10 Surprising Health Benefits and Uses of Muskmelon (Cantaloupe) for Hair, Skin & Weight Loss

10 Surprising Health Benefits and Uses of Muskmelon (Cantaloupe) for Hair, Skin & Weight Loss

Who doesn’t know about muskmelon? We all are acquainted with this delicious summer fruit but may need to know its potential benefits. Once, I visited one of my friend’s native villages, where I saw the cultivation and production of this whitish/orange colour fruit on a large scale. They not only cultivated but also made me aware of this fruit’s many unknown benefits, uses, and precautions. When I returned to my town, I started thinking of Cantaloupe’s uses and medicinal benefits and discussed its benefits and advantages with my nutritionists and dietician colleagues. I am pointing out some of the fantastic benefits of this rounded-shaped summer fruit and the excerpt of my discussion with fellow group members from the alternative medicine field.

Wonder benefits of cantaloupe

  1. Muskmelon for weight loss: Cantaloupe can be used for weight loss. It consists of 95% water and is also full of fibre. Eating muskmelon gives the tendency of a full stomach and discourages the desire for more eating. On the other hand, the fruit is associated with no fat, no cholesterol, less calories, and sugar. If you desire weight loss, starting with this summer fruit is better.
  2. Muskmelon for healthy skin: Cantaloupe is suitable for beauty and skin problems. Besides adequate watery content, it is also known for anti-oxidants and vitamins A & C, all of which facilitate glowing skin.
  3. Muskmelon for hair: Cantaloupe makes your entire body hydrated.  Along with iron and other nutrients, the fruit is good for healthy hair.
  4. Treats kidney stones: The fruit helps to release toxins from the kidney as well as the body because of the presence of abundant water. It also contains oxykine, a bio-chemical substance that prevents kidney stones and other kidney disorders.
  5. Good during pregnancy: Cantaloupe has a suitable amount of folic acid, which prevents water retention by excreting excess amounts of sodium. It also contains congenital disabilities and assures healthy baby development.
  6. Muskmelon for a healthy heart: It has potassium that is good for cardiac problems. The presence of adenosine in Cantaloupe makes blood thinning and reduces the chances of heart attack and strokes.
  7. Boost immunity: Cantaloupe develops our immunity because of plenty of vitamin C. It stimulates the White Blood Cells to fight against viruses, bacteria, and infections.
  8. Improves eye vision: An adequate amount of vitamin A and carotene is good for eyes and vision and prevents many eye-related disorders, i.e. cataracts.
  9. Muskmelon eases menstrual cramps: Cantaloupe is good for menstrual cramps and is associated with anti-coagulant properties. It helps to reduce cramps by dissolving clots.
  10. Cantaloupe nutritional facts: The dietary values in one cup of muskmelon are as follows: Calories (53),  No fat, No cholesterol, No saturated fat, Carbohydrate (12g), Protein (1g), Dietary fibre (1g), Sodium (23mg), Vitamin A (5276 IU), Folic acid (22 mg), Niacin (1mg), Vitamin C (57mg), Calcium (14mg), Magnesium (19mg), Potassium (417mg) and Carotenoids (3, 219mg).

How do you think you could make a muskmelon recipe?

Making Cantaloupe recipes is qurelativelyasy. We will describe here Cantaloupe juice and Cantaloupe ice cream.

Cantaloupe/Muskmelon juice

Required material for three people

  1. 1 Muskmelon (500g)
  2. Sugar/black salt as desired
  3. 1 or 2  cardamom
  4. Water (200ml)
  5. The quantity may be increased or decreased per person.

Procedure: First, wash the fruit and remove the muskmelon bark, then cut it into small pieces. Could you put all the above-said material into the grinder or juicer to make it juice? The prepared juice may be kept in the freezer before drinking.

Cantaloupe/Muskmelon ice cream

It is easy to make Cantaloupe ice cream. Add cherry/almond or any other fruits/dry fruits of your choice in the above-prepared juice and keep the same in the freezer to make into ice cream. Cut it, and you will feel the yummiest of ice cream.

Cantaloupe/Muskmelon precautions

  1. One should not mix milk with watermelon as it can lead to cholera.
  2. One shouldn’t take water just after eating muskmelon as it can cause loss of motion.
  3. The person who has asthma should avoid it.
  4. Pitta-dominant people should skip it.

The information provided in the article should not be taken as a substitute for alternative medical diagnoses. It is for information purposes to understand health, treatment, and conditions in a better way. It is suggested to consult your nearby doctor or physicians before taking any alternative medicine or practising alternative therapies.

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