Tvak (Cinnamon) overview
The word Tvak indicates skin in Sanskrit. Tvak or cinnamon is full of health and medicinal benefits and has been used since ancient times. It is one of the most typical household spices, used for centuries. Its home remedy is of greater significance and is used in treating multiple health conditions such as loss of appetite, indigestion, and dental pain. It is also used as a deodorant. So, if you are a kitchen person and fond of cooking, you should ensure having dalchini in the kitchen shelve.
Cinnamon history
Cinnamon has a long history. Initially, its record can be traced in the Torah, the Jewish religious text. The Chinese and the Romans were also well-versed in the medicinal value of its bark. An elaborative description has been given of Dalchini’s medicinal uses and health benefits in Ayurvedic texts.
Different names of tvak
- English: Cinnamon
- Hindi: Dalchini
- Latin: Cinnamomum zeylanicum
- Marathi: Dalchini
- Sanskrit: Tvak
Cinnamon plant description
Tvak is a middle-sized evergreen plant with 9-12 meters in height. The leaves are opposite, coriaceous, glabrous, and signing above. The flowers are small and on a long terminal. After getting bruised, every part of the plant emanates aroma. While drying, the bark shrinks and curls into a cylinder or quill.
Parts used of cinnamon
- Dried inner bark of shoots
- Dried branches
- Oil
Cinnamon Ayurvedic properties
- Taste: Pungent, bitter, and sweet
- Post digestive effect: Pungent
- Potency: Hot
- Attributes: Light, dry and sharp
- Dosha: Alleviates Kapha and Vata, aggravates Pitta
10 Best benefits of cinnamon (Tvak)
- Hair health: It is one of the essential ingredients in cosmetic products, especially for fragrant hair washes and bath powders.
- Skin Beauty: Applying the thin paste on the face helps to ease the depigmentation. However, it should be washed within 2 minutes as it irritates the skin
- Sexual disorders: A gentle massage with cinnamon oil on penile skin is beneficial and recommended for the dysfunction of penile erection.
- Teeth pain: Cinnamon oil is effective for teeth pain. For this, soak the cotton swab in cinnamon oil and place it in the dental cavities. It not only reduces the but also minimises infection. Chewing of Dalchini is also suitable for strengthening the teeth, refreshing the mouth, and overcoming bad breath.
- Menstrual bleeding: Using cinnamon with Ashokarishta ensures to curb heavy menstrual bleeding.
- Joint pain: The regular massage of cinnamon oil relieves the pain and swelling in joints.
- Voice clarity: The decoction of cinnamon, coriander seeds, and dried ginger, when taken 2 tbsp, three times daily, is helpful to treat hoarseness of voice. It is also effective in cases of cough, asthma, and pleurisy.
- Promotes appetite: The combination of three aromatics, viz. Tvak, Ela (cardamom), and Tamalpatra, which is known as Trijata, a unique product used in the preparation of medicated wines, helps to promote appetite and ensures good digestion.
- Cough remedy: The decoction of cinnamon and Pippali (Piper longum), if taken 3 tbsp, three times daily, helps relieve cough, mainly due to Kapha.
- Dysentery: Mix cinnamon powder, Shala (Shorearobusta), and the pulp of raw Bilva (Aegle marmelos) fruits in 1 1:12 proportions. Take this mixture of 1 tbsp three times daily, with curd and little jaggery. It helps to decrease dysentery.
10 Medicinal uses of cinnamon (Tvak)
- It is loaded with antioxidants.
- Anti-inflammatory
- Reduces the risk of heart attack
- Insulin resistance
- Anti-diabetic
- Good in case of neurodegenerative diseases
- Anti-cancerous
- Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.
- Fights HIV
- Fights Alzheimer’s
Nutritional facts of cinnamon
It is loaded with so many minerals. The 100 gram of cinnamon consists of energy (247 KJ), Carbohydrate (80.6g), Sugars (2.2g), Dietary fibre (53.1g), Fat (1.2g), Protein (4g), Vitamins (A, B complex, C, E & K) and minerals like Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Potassium, Sodium and Zinc.
Species of cinnamon
- Cinnamomum cassia: it is the most common form of cinnamon
- burmanni
- loureiroi
- verum
- citriodorum
Culinary uses of cinnamon (Tvak)
- It is most notably used as a spice.
- It is an essential condiment for flavouring material.
- Use in preparation of Mexican chocolate.
- To make the toast flavorful.
- It is used in pickling.
- Use in the preparation of Persian cuisine.
vary Nice post, its a vary informatic article on Top 10 Wonder Health Benefits and Medicinal Uses of Tvak, i think everybody should know about it.
very nice post
the article is very informative and excellent with logics.