Acaittal: Mobilisation (Movement) – one of the types of Tokkanam (Pressure manipulation therapy)
Acan: Teacher
Acanam: Keeping the body or part of the body steady and motionless in a particular posture for a specific time. A specific, well-defined pose of the body. – Posture or pose
Acayankal: Five types of resting places, namely, Amarvacayam, Pakirvacayam, Calavacayam, Malavacayam and Cukkilavacayam. Internal viscera such as the stomach, the intestines, the bladder, the kidney, etc. – Functional repositories
Aiyam (Kapam): One of the vital life factors. It is condensed from the elements of Water and Earth. Aiyam is the principle of stabilising energy, governs growth in the body and mind, and is concerned with structure, stability, lubrication, and fluid balance.
Akkinai: One of the six psycho-physical centres located twelve finger breadth above Vicutti in between the two eyebrows; it is a constituent of space element.
Amaram: A disease of the eye characterised by fleshy growth over the eyelids causing an inability to open and close the eyelids, leading to visual disturbance, pricking pain, watery and mucoid excrement and redness of the eyes – Ophthalmia neonatorum.
Anma: The Soul.
Anupanam: Substances (water, honey, milk, ghee, etc.)to be taken /mixed along with medicines. – Vehicle.
Attankayokam: Eight stages of Yokam /eight steps/components of Yokam, namely Iyamam, Niyamam, Acanam, Piranayamam, Pirattiyakaram, Tiyanam and Camati.
Azal(Pittam): One of the three vital life factors formed from Fire. Azal is the principle of energy transformation that governs heat and metabolism in the body and is concerned with the digestive, enzymatic and endocrine systems. Azal / Pittam /Bio-energy fire.
Azuttutal: Pressure by using the palm or fingers to press a specific part of the body.
Camanam: One of the six critical religious faiths of India.
Camati: This is the final stage of Yokam, a state of communion with God. – Spiritual Ecstasy.
Caram: A physical constituent responsible for mental and physical perseverance. It is the first tissue created from food.
Cattuvam: Noble qualities are one of the three qualities of a human being.
Cennir: A physical constituent that imparts colour to the body and nourishes the body. It is responsible for the ability and intellect of an individual.
Cinkacanam: Yogic posture. – Leonine Pose.
Cirappuk Karpam: A special preparation to maintain good health.
Cirappu maruttuvam: A speciality of Siddha Medicine dealing with special therapies like Kayakarpam or Kayakalpam (rejuvenation), Yokam, Varmam, Tokkanam (external treatments) and treating musculoskeletal, neurological, geriatric, psychiatric and skin diseases.
Citti: It means attaining perfection, heavenly bliss and accomplishment.
Civakkutilai Nir: Ambrosia – Divine Elixir
Civan: Lord of Caiva Cittantam. First Siddhar of Siddha cult.
Civanma: The individual soul.
Cukacanam: A Yogic posture.
Cukkila Curonitam: A physical constituent of men responsible for reproduction. – Semen and women responsible for reproduction.
Cutti: A general term for treating/purifying / refining /detoxifying process of the raw drugs.
Cuvai: A sensation perceived through the tongue.
Eman: Name of the God of death.
Enpu: A physical constituent that constitutes the body frame.
Inippu: A taste formed by the union of Earth and Water elements. It gives pleasure to the mind, enriches sense organs and nourishes the seven physical constituents. It increases Aiyam/ Kapam and balances Vali/ Vatam and Azal / Pittam vital life factors.
Iracakanti Mezuku: Name of the Siddha herbo-mineral formulation.
Iracatam: One of the three qualities of human beings.
Irukkal: A type of Tokkanam that tightens and releases the muscles all over the body, excluding those over the long bones, mildly with or without medicated oil.
Itu: A synonym of Varmam.
Itumaruntu: Poisonous drugs in small quantities are given to a person mixed with food, beverages, etc., to make the person valid.
Iyamam / Iyalmam: The practice of cleansing or purifying the mind by observing moral codes and ethics. – Purity of mind/moral code.
Izuttal: A type of Tokkanam- A passive extension method of manipulation to be done slowly with the help of medicated oil over the bony prominence and in the head. It can be done in all postures except supine and sitting posture.
Kaippu: A taste formed by the union of Air and Space elements. It is obnoxious to taste. It cleanses the mouth and diminishes the appreciation of taste sensation. It increases Vali/ Vatam and balances Aiyam/ Kapam and Azal/ Pittam vital life factors.
Kalam: A term to denote the period with various climatic conditions of a year.
Kala ozukkam: The seasonal routine activities observed/performed.
Kamparamayanam: Epic Iramayanam written by the author Kampar.
Karacaram: A collective term to indicate all the acid and alkali salts, which are 25 in number and further classified into natural and synthetic salts.
Karam: Caustic substances. – Caustic.
Karanul: A thread treated with turmeric and copper sulphate and immersed in the mixed latex of Daemia, Calotrophis and copper sulphate commonly used in the treatment of fistulain-ano, gradual excision of overgrown tissues, piles, polyps, warts, and non-healing chronic sinuses.
Karpayokam: Rejuvenating substances.
Karpam/ K¡yakarpam: Nomenclature of Tonics, Drugs or techniques (like Yokam) which help to prevent signs of ageing such as greying of hair, wrinkling of skin, and disease.
Karppu: A taste formed by the union of Air and Fire elements produces a burning sensation at the tip of the tongue and jaws, increasing the secretions of the eyes, Nose and the Mouth. It increases Vali/ Vatam and Azal / Pittam balances Aiyam / Kapam.
Kozuppu: A physical constituent that provides lubrication to all the organs in the body for their practical function.
Kumpakam: Kumpakam retentive phase of breathing/respiration.
Kunapatam: A speciality of Siddha Medicine dealing with the source, nature, collection, processing, actions, therapeutics using raw drugs of herbal, metallic and faunal origin and preparation of Medicines.
Kutori Maruttuvam: A Siddha procedure of administration of drugs.
Makimai: Specific pharmacological action.
Malacalam Kazittal: Defaecation and urination.
Mallattutal: A therapeutic laying of the patient, with outstretched hands and face directed upwards.
Maracuttikai: Wooden cautery/cautery with turmeric rhizome.
Maruntukalin Ceymurai: Methods of preparation of Medicines.
Meynanam: Knowledge about truth.
Mukkurram/Tirtotam: A deranged or imbalanced condition of the three vital life factors. A vitiated state of all three vital life factors.
Mulikaik Karpam: Drugs or medicaments prepared from leaves, barks, stems, roots and quintessence of plants.
Mullai: A physical constituent that occupies the bones’ medulla and gives them strength and softness.
Muppu: Muppu is a unique higher-order Siddha alkali containing the three essential elements (Air, Fire and Water) used as a catalytic agent.
Mutamayir: A disease of the eyelids, characterised by thickening of the eyelids leading to the inward growth of the hair of the eyelashes.
Muriccal: Physical manipulation by which dislocated bone joints are brought to their normal position.
Nalozukkam: The daily routine activities. – Daily chores.
Nancu Maruttuvam: A Speciality of Siddha Medicine dealing with toxic substances and their effects. The treatment with appropriate Medicines, i.e., antidotes.
Neykkuri: A diagnostic procedure in which a drop of gingelly oil is dripped on the surface of urine (of the patient) collected in a bowl made of glass or porcelain and observing its mode of oil spread.
Nirkkuri: A diagnostic procedure in examining the physical properties of urine (colour, smell, specific gravity, froth and deposits).
Niyamam: Observing purity or truthfulness in one’s activities. – Purity of action.
Noynatal: A speciality of Siddha Medicine. – Siddha clinical diagnosis.
Palavakatam: A speciality of Siddha Medicine dealing with and treating the diseases of neonates and children.
Pattiyam: Dietary regimen and procedures to be followed strictly during medical care.
Perumpozutu: 12 months or one-year period taken by the Earth to revolve around the Sun is known as Perumpo¾utu. It is divided into six periods, namely, Kar (Early rainy season), Kutir (latter rainy season), Munpani (Early winter season), Pinpani (latter winter season), Ilaveni (Early summer season) and Mutuvenil (latter summer season).
Piniyanukaviti: Preventive measures which are to be followed to be free from illness.
Pirivu: Post-digestive transformation of food.
Pitital: The art of using the hand to grasp the patient’s muscles usually done during manipulating by hand.
Potukkarpam: A preparation to prevent ageing, give strength and vigour, and maintain immunity, which can lead to longevity.
Tattal: The art of gentle tapping/stroking/punching done all over the body using hands with the force of the wrist.
Tattu Varmam: Varmam caused or occurred due to tapping on Varmam points, resulting in morbid or pathological changes.
Tatukkaarpam: Medicaments prepared from minerals and their quintessence taken for rejuvenation.
Tiyanam: The perfect art of gaining complete control over the mind. Cessation of all thoughts.
Tuvarppu: A taste formed by the union of the Earth and Air elements. It increases Vali/ Vatam and balances Aiyam / Kapam and Azal / Pittam vital life factors.
Un: A physical constituent that gives shape to the body. It is necessary for the physical functions.
Uppu: A taste formed by the union of Fire and Water elements. It increases Aiyam/Kapam and Azal/ Pittam and balances Vati/ Vatam vital life factors.
Utaltatukkal: The seven essential physical constituents of the body, namely Caram (Essence/chime), Cennir (Blood), (Muscle), Kozuppu (Fat), Enpu (Bone), Mulai (Marrow) and Vintu/ Natam.
Vaciyokam: The art of controlling the breath.
Vaittiya Muppu: A substance potentiates the efficacy of the Medicine.
Vali (Vatam): One of the three vital life factors condensed from the elements of Air and Space. Vali is the principle of kinetic energy in the body and is concerned with the nervous system and with circulation, movement and pathology at all levels – cell, organ and body. It is eliminated from the body through defecation.
Varmam: Energy concentric points where the flow of life force traverses periodically. Changes occur in the body on being hit at some specific point – Vital points/subtle energy stations.
Vata Muppu: A substance that helps to transmute the lower metals into higher metals – Alchemical Panacea.
Vipakam: A concept explaining the disintegration/assimilation of six tastes in the digestive tract into three primary tastes: sweet, sour and spicy. Sweet and salt mostly become sweet, sour and bitter, and pungent and astringent become pungent. – Post-digestive transformation of tastes.
Vriyam: Pharmacognostic activity of the drugs. – Potency
Visavaittiyam: Traditional treatment of poisoning/toxins.
Yokam: The perfect scientific art that unites the mind with God or the truth.
Yoka Muppu: An elixir-like substance produced within the body that protects the body from ageing and rejuvenates.
Amazing post on health and well being.