What is the peacock pose?
When I was doing graduation in yoga, one of my teachers highlighted some of the fantastic benefits of practising Peacock pose in Yoga. He thrust that everybody should do it or the variations of Mayurasana because it is the only pose that can digest even toxins. Being an advanced form of yoga, one should start practising with the help of its modifications, variations, props, etc., before mastering the final pose. It helps burn belly fat, and regular practice can flatten your stomach. It is a boon for those who have diabetes. Let’s discuss what I have learned from my yoga teachers and 20 years of practical experience in yoga. Also, read Wonder Yoga for belly fat.

Unknown facts about Peacock pose
- It is pronounced as ‘ma-yur-AHS-anna’, wherein Mayura means peacock.
- ‘Mayura’ means peacock. In this asana, the body takes the shape of a peacock.
- This is an excellent asana for speeding up the metabolic processes in the body.
- Mayurasana vigorously speeds up the blood flow. Also, it tends to increase the number of toxins in the blood as part of the purification process; therefore, do not practise it before any inverted asana, which may direct excessive toxins towards the brain.
- This is the best yoga pose that helps eliminate toxins from the body.
- This is the advanced and balancing yoga pose.
- Mayurasana is one of the best asanas for eliminating all abdominal ailments.
How does Peacock pose step by step?
- Sit in Vajrasana. Open the knees and come to the kneeling position by placing the knees on the floor.
- Bend forward, stretch out the fingers of your hands and place the palms on the ground with fingers pointing towards the feet.
- Bend the elbows, keeping forearms together. Place elbows gently on either side of the navel with the chest resting on the back of the upper arms.
- Stretch both legs, keeping the legs together slowly, and come forward cautiously.
- Supporting the body’s weight on hands and wrists, raise the legs from the floor.
- Stretch the head and trunk forward.
- Maintain this position as long as comfortable. In the final part, the body remains parallel to the ground with legs stretched out and feet together.
- Come back by lowering the head; place the knees on the floor and legs on the ground.
Peacock pose benefits
- Belly fat burning: If one learns to do the pose technically correctly, it can be essential in burning belly fat and even flattening the stomach.
- Facial complexion. However, it needs practice and time to master it. Practising it with proper r steps helps to accelerate oxygenated blood to the facial region, thereby nourishing it.
- Toxins removal. It is the best yogasana to remove toxins from the body, especially from the abdominal region.
- Diabetes prevention: The pose stirs the pancreas to secrete suitable insulin, thus helping to control blood sugar. Please read: Yoga for diabetes
- Flatulence: The practice of this asana relieves indigestion, constipation and flatulence. It helps remove disorders in the abdomen.
- Defective eyesight: This asana helps treat defective vision.
- Strengthens arms and hands: It strengthens your arms and hands, thus preventing many issues related to them.
- Mavurasana massages and stimulates all digestive organs. It helps treat sluggishness in the liver and kidneys, etc.
- It stimulates the process of waste removal from the bowels. It is a beneficial asana for many digestive ailments and helps keep the digestive system in good, efficient order.
- Muscular control: It strengthens the muscles of the whole body and develops muscular power along with a sense of balance.
Mayurasana should not be practised if you suffer from any of the following ailments
- Hernia
- Abdominal injuries
- Wrists and elbow injuries
- High blood pressure
- Any heart ailments
- Peptic or duodenal ulcers
- It is easy to fall forward from the final pose and crush the nose on the floor.
- Be careful, and, if necessary, place a small cushion under the face.
- Mayurasana should be done at the end of your Asana program.
- One shouldn’t attempt this pose if you are slightly ill or feel any physical weakness.
- Pregnant women are strictly advised not to practise Mayurasana.
Normal breathing in the starting pose. Deep inhalation before raising the body to the final posture. Beginners can hold their breath in the final pose for as long as it is comfortable. Advanced practitioners can breathe slowly and deeply in the final pose. Breathe out after returning to the starting position. Breathe normally before attempting a second round.