Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease caused by a protozoan called Plasmodium. The symptoms of malaria fever are associated with chilling fever, tiredness, vomiting, headache, and rashes. The symptoms of the disease are visible only after 10-15 days of biting the vector female anopheles that penetrates plasmodium into human blood. There are five species of Plasmodium, of which P. falciparum is the most dangerous. Malaria is most common in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Modern medicines are available to treat malaria, but can be cured and prevented naturally through Tulsi or Holy Basil.
15 Surprising benefits of Tulsi for fever
Since ancient times, Tulsi has been used to cure Malaria. Tulsi or its extract is highly beneficial for malarial fevers. If malaria is detected in the initial stage, only a few leaves of Tulsi are enough to combat the disease.
- Tulsi & Black Pepper for malaria: A hot decoction of Tulsi, black pepper, jaggery, and lemon juice helps cure malaria. It is advisable to take the decoction after every two or three hours. The paste turn pill of the mix of Tulsi (10gm) and black pepper (10gm) effectively manages malaria. One should take 2 of these pills at an interval of 3 hours.
- Tulsi and bitter gourd for malaria: Grind the mix of Tulsi (10gm), black pepper (10gm), bitter gourd creeper (10gm), and pumpkin twigs (10gm). Make a small or pea-sized pill and take two such pills to control malarial fever. It is also effective in combating other types of fever. These pills can’t be stored for a long time. It should be stored in a cool place for two months.
- Tulsi and Neem for malaria: The extract derived from the leaves of Tulsi and Neem and drinking the same along with black pepper helps cure malaria.
- Tulsi and caretu for malaria: The mix of Tulsi (7 leaves), black pepper (4), and twigs help relieve malarial fever.
- Tulsi and honey for fever: The mix of Tulsi (10gm), powder of black pepper (1gm), and honey (4gm) is effective in controlling malarial fever. The paste should be licked from time to time.
- Tulsi root for malaria: The decoction of Tulsi root helps lower the body temperature by increasing perspiration.
- Tulsi Juice for malaria: The drinking of Tulsi juice (10ml) thrice a day is helpful in the prevention of malarial fever. The juice of Tulsi and ginger is also effective.
- Tulsi and nutmeg for fever: Grind and form a mix of Tulsi (10gm), nutmeg (10gm), tiny pepper seeds (10gm), and black pepper (10gm). Now, make small pills and keep the same in the shade. Take one tablet four times a day.
- Tulsi and Datura for malaria: The grounded paste of Tulsi (60gm), Mandar flowers (10gm), petal of Datura (10gm), and black pepper (10gm) when taken by making pill enable you to prevent malarial attacks.
- Tulsi and gram for malaria: Make pea-size pills from the paste of Tulsi leaves (10gm), gram powder (40gm), Katlee leaves (20gm), and black pepper (10gm). Take two pills before and after feeling fevers. Whenever there is a malarial scourge in the neighbourhood, it is wise to have such medications to prevent the spread of malaria.
- Tulsi and lemon: The juice of Tulsi, Neem, and lemon is quite beneficial in managing and controlling malaria fever.
- Tulsi and Amaltas for malaria: The juice of Tulsi leaves (10gm) and Amaltas (10gm) is helpful in the control of fever.
- Tulsi as a mosquito repellent: The plant or juice of Tulsi spreads aromatic fragrances in the surroundings, which in turn helps to keep the mosquitoes away.
- Juice of Tulsi and ginger: Drinking Tulsi and ginger juice is beneficial to increasing your appetite and helping treat colds, fever, and other fever-related infections.
- Tulsi tea for malaria: The person with malarial fever feels uneasiness, loss of appetite, and other associated problems. But taking Tulsi leaves tea is a stimulant, making you fresh and refreshed and simultaneously helping lower your body temperature.