Yoga exercise for edema
There are many yoga poses which help treat water retention. Yoga postures can counter water retention in the different parts of the body, such as the legs, feet, abdomen, etc. Conquering body fluid retention through yoga exercise has been well-conceived since ancient times. Besides, Yoga exercises, diet, home remedies, prevention, and precautions are also helpful in treating edema.
What is edema
Edema is a medical condition where the person experiences excess fluid retention in the body parts, such as feet, legs, etc., that leads to swelling of the area. The fluid isn’t removed appropriately from the body tissues, skin, organs, and systems, which may be seen all over the body (generalised oedema) or particular parts of the body (localised oedema). It generally happens during pregnancy, premenstrual syndrome. It also occurs when the person stands for a longer time.
Fluid retention symptoms
- Swelling is joint, especially in ankles, feet, and hands.
- Water retention may be observed in feet, legs, and ankles.
- Chances of pains in the swelling parts
- The joints generally become stiff
- Weight fluctuations
- Feeling of sluggishness
- Stiff body
- Bloated tummy
- After pressing the skin, it may move in for a bit
Causes of edema
There are many causes of water retention in the body parts. Some of the crucial reasons are being discussed here.
- Standing for a more extended period
- Poor blood circulation in the legs vein
- Pregnancy: during pregnancy, the mother experiences fluid retention due to hormonal imbalance.
- A low-calorie diet tends to draw less water from the tissue because of the meagre presence of protein, which leads to water retention.
- MC: Water retention can also be observed before starting the menstrual cycle.
- Sunny weather: the body observes less outward fluid movement from tissues.
- Water retention is common in burn swelling
- Estrogen-containing oral conceptive tends to cause fluid accumulation
- Protein deficiency in the body is also responsible for edema
- Medicines related to high blood pressure and anti-inflammatories tend to retain water in the body.
- Kidney nephritic problems cause fluid retention
- Improper heart pumping leads to vein congestion and water accumulation in the body.
- Other medical conditions such as lung disease, liver disease, thyroid problems, and arthritis also lead to fluid retention.
- Medications and pills also trigger fluid accumulation. Lack of vitamin B1 may also prompt oedema.
- High salt intake
- Congestion in the lymphatic system
How to treat edema?
Many ways will help cure oedema. Home remedies are also beneficial in the treatment of water retention. Some of the essentially simple and easy remedies are described here.
- One of the essential treatments for fluid retention is taking a salt diet
- One should avoid alcohol and beverages if experiencing liver problems. One should prefer brown rice, which contains pyridoxine and is beneficial in easing fluid retention.
- Give more weightage to fresh fruits and vegetables as these help release water from the body.
- Cornsilk, horsetail, and dandelion are effective in easing fluid retention.
- Cranberries are good to excrete more water from the body.
- Eat more and more protein as taking proteinous foods helps release excess body water. Take those fruits rich in potassium, i.e. bananas, as it encourages you to shed more fluid from the body.
- The use of support stockings is also beneficial.
- Taking natural diuretics such as cucumber, salads, and cabbage is good for eliminating fluid retention.
- Do Yoga and exercise regularly to control edema.
List of Yoga poses for edema
Here is the list of Yoga asanas and exercises which are beneficial in the treatment and remedies of oedema
- Tadasana helps improve blood circulation in the leg muscles by stretching the muscles and nerves, cutting down water retention. It is one of the few yoga exercises which provides stretch to all the muscles, including the tiny ones from toes to head
- Mountain pose enhances stretching in the legs and the feet region, helping smooth blood circulation and reducing the probability of water retention.
- Warrior pose is one of the best stretching exercises for hands, legs, abdominal side, and above all, the entire body, thus checking oedema changes in different body parts.
- Urdhahastottasana: It stretches the back, neck, abdominal side, spinal joints, waist, hip, and buttock.
- Parshavkonasana: The yoga pose gives stretch to the legs, feet, abdomen, and hands
- Viparit Karni: The stretching and activation of abdominal muscles helps cut excess fluid from the belly region.
- Sarvangasana: It is the mother of all asanas. It provides proper abdominal and upper abdominal stretch and twisting to the body.
- Halasana: The Yoga pose effectively alleviates oedema due to suitable stretch on the stomach and feet.
- Setu bandha asana: The asana stretches the abdominal region satisfactorily.
- Asvasanchalan: This is one of the essential steps of Surya Namaskar, which gives overall stretch to the body and may play a vital role in curing fluid retention.
- Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation): This is the finest form of cardiovascular exercise and can facilitate flexibility in the body.
- Katichakrasana: Stretching to hands, feet, and abdomen
- Trikonasana: It exerts stretch to the feet, stomach, and hands
- Bhujangasana: The cobra pose is good for stretching in the abdominal region and hands
- Chakrasana: Huge stretch on the stomach, hands, and legs.
Simple home remedies for water retention
- Keep yourself hydrated
- Least importance to salt intake
- Give thrust upon protein
- Take potassium-rich foods
- Take vitamin B6, B5, and D
- Use a lesser amount of beverages
- Take curd and garlic
- Take Spinach, cucumber, and cabbage
Edema prevention and precautions
- Avoid chips which are rich in salt, i.e. potato chips
- Processed foods should be avoided.
- Do Yoga and exercise regularly.
- Avoid taking beverages like tea, coffee, and alcohol
- One should prefer to take adequate water as the hydrated body tends to have less fluid retention.
- Keep your head higher than your legs while lying on your bed.
If I try the first yoga pose it will kill me hahaha
They list a several yoga poses but do not show pics or diagrams of what those poses are, or what they look like. How is one supposed
to know what they are? One photo is simply not enough. The article should at least include a link to another site that visually demonstrates those recommended yoga poses.
I so agree and showing benefits gradually.
I agree, we need photos to know if we can even do them.