Acidity or acid reflux leads to restlessness due to an extreme burning sensation in the stomach, chest and throat. Acidity is also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), wherein stomach acid comes into the oesophagus due to the malfunctioning valve separating the stomach from the oesophagus. There are a few things to help you relieve acid reflux; one is yoga poses. To cure acid reflux permanently, one should practice some Baba Ramdev yoga asanas. Drugs will help you, but with side effects.

Acidity triggered foods
- High-fat foods
- Citrus foods
- Chocolate
- Excessive sour or spices foods
- Caffeine
- Alcohol
- White flour and white sugar products
- Stress and anger
- Burning of your oesophagus
- Chest pain
- Problem swallowing
- Sore throat
- Dry cough
5 Best Baba Ramdev Yoga Poses to Relieve Acid Reflux
1. Kunjal Kriya
Kunjal kriya keeps the stomach clean and retains its efficiency to remain disease-free. Kunjal kriya does this explicitly, as well as removing acidity. It is, therefore, a panacea for those who have digestive ailments and for those who want to maintain the health that they already have.
Though kunjal kriya helps remove excess acidity from the stomach, a factor very much associated with ulcers, we don’t suggest you try this practice under these circumstances. However, we emphasise that we are serious when we say this practice is beneficial. It increases the body’s digestive power by improving the chemical reactions within the stomach. It removes impure and unwanted gases and helps eliminate and prevent hyperacidity, especially heartburn.
2. Agnisar Kriya
Agnisar kriya massages all the abdominal organs, strengthening the muscles and stimulating the associated nerves, encouraging the best possible functioning of these organs. It promotes the proper secretion of digestive juices, allowing optimum assimilation of nutrients from our food. Furthermore, it prevents and removes digestive disorders such as constipation, indigestion, hyperacidity, hypoacidity, flatulence, sluggish liver, etc.
3. Shankhaprakshalana
Laghoo shankhaprakshalana is an excellent method of purifying the body and preventing or helping to remove many ailments. People with digestive problems such as constipation, flatulence, acidity, indigestion and other digestive disorders are advised to practise this technique.
It is an excellent method of purifying the body and preventing or helping to remove many ailments. We suggest you seek expert guidance to find out if it will help remove any ailment you have. Know the steps of shankhaprakshalana
4. Vastra Dhauti
It increases the body’s digestive power by improving the chemical reactions within the stomach. It removes impure and unwanted gases and helps eliminate and prevent hyperacidity, especially heartburn.
5. Kapalbhati
Kapalbhati is beneficial in addressing gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) as powerful yoga increases diaphragmatic tone, thus decreasing reflux from the stomach to the oesophagus.
Top facts about acid reflux (GERD)
- About 20% of the US population is suffering from acid reflux.
- Regular acidity and heartburn may damage your oesophagus.
- In research, it has been found that about 45 % of people are experiencing acid reflux due to stress and anxiety.