How do you manage stress naturally?
Here, a few essential tips are given, highlighting how to manage stress efficiently.
- Recognise the Problem
- Change Negative thinking
- Time Management Skills
- Self-care
- Build up Support Network
- Assertive Skills
1. Recognize the Problem
The easiest way to combat stress is to recognise the source of the negative pressure. This is the first step to identify the problem and plan measures accordingly to overcome it. To learn about the problems, let’s start with the Stress Control A B C Strategy. A = AWARENESS, B = BALANCE and C = CONTROL.
2. Change Negative Thinking
The first and foremost point to combat stress should be to change negative thinking. It would be best to try changing the situation or negative thoughts. Negative reviews that lead to stress can be managed with the help of the following tips.
- Re-framing: It is a way to perceive things to feel better about them.
- Positive thinking: Forget powerlessness, sadness, despair, and failure and try to focus on the positives.
- Analyze your thoughts minutely.
- Try to perceive things from another perspective also.
- One should point out that emotion is only information rather than fact.
3. Assertive Skills
- Be assertive: Assertiveness helps to manage stressful conditions. On the other hand, a lack of assertiveness leads to low self-esteem and low self-confidence.
- Get organised: Lack of organisational skills leads to stress. Organised and systematic approaches offer security against ‘out of the blue’ problems. Prioritising duties and activities makes them manageable and achievable. The organisation will help avoid personal and professional chaos.
- Ventilation: Sharing problems with friends, near and dear ones means a problem halved’. So, try to develop a network of such peers, which helps to come out in time of need.
- Humour: Humour acts like a stress–reducer. It helps to reduce stress by easing your tension and increasing your endorphins, which act like a natural painkiller.
- Diversion and Distraction: One should follow the following tips to reduce or minimise diversion and distractions.
- Take time out
- Get away from things that bother you
- Doesn’t solve the problem
- Reduce stress level
- Calm down
- Think logically
4. Time Management Skills
Time also plays a more significant role to minimise or exaggerate stress levels control and management. But here I am telling you some tips that will help you control and manage pressure.
- Make a list
- What MUST be done
- What SHOULD be done
- What would you LIKE to do
- Think about the waste of time
- Learn to drop unimportant activities
- Say no or delegate
- Plan your day
- Set achievable goals
- Don’t waste time making excuses for not doing something
- Work in interval
5. Build a Support Network
Could you let us know how to build a support network?
- Relationships bonding: give more weightage to the deepening of an existing relationship.
- Share your feelings, opinions, or experiences, but also give the other person a chance to open up.
- Try to bring old friendships into your loop.
- Let’s be in touch with people across a longer distance through letters, phone calls, email, and social media.
- New friendships should also blossom.
6. Self -care
Self-care should be taken in the following domains such as
- Diet
- Smoking & Alcohol
- Exercise
- Sleep
- Leisure
- Relaxation
- Time -out
- Naturopathy (Mud Therapy)
Dietary management
Dietary management also plays an essential role in combating stress. A few critical diet tips will help you in this regard.
- Drinking 4-5 litres of water per day to keep our systems running correctly because our bodies comprise 75% water.
- Avoid caffeinated beverages
- Eat in moderation.
- Whole grains should be given preference.
- Avoid simple carbohydrates.
- One should keep himself away from saturated fats and trans fats.
- Eating lean proteins such as fish, poultry, and vegetables should be preferred.
- Add calcium and Vitamin D to keep bones strong.
- Limit salt and sodium to 2,300mg per day.
- Avoid processed or pre-packaged foods that are full of additives and preservatives.
Great article, thanks for sharing this knowledgeable article.