10 Surprising benefits of curd
1. Why curd/yogurt is essential?
Curd or Yogurt is in great demand, especially in the summer season. Curd is used to make multiple Dahi dishes, which have their significance from a health point of view. Curd is consumed as Yogurt rice, Lassi, Chapatis and dahi, Dahi Bhalla, Beetroot raita, Pomegranate raita, Cucumber raita, Bottle gourd raita, Shrikhand, buttermilk, Piyush, vegetable salads, etc. Curd Lassi is quite a popular dish in northern India in summer. Curd, a dairy product, has many health benefits and is a beauty aid to fair complexion. In several cases, it has been said that curd is more beneficial than milk. The fermentation of milk leads to the formation of curd.

2. Curd nutritional facts
About 100 grams of fat has 98 calories. The nutritional value of curd is as follows: fat (4.3 grams), Carbohydrate (3.4 gm), Protein (11 grams), Cholesterol (17mg), Sodium (364 mg), and Potassium (104mg). It also contains vitamins A, D, B-12, calcium, and magnesium. Curd is one of the best sources of calcium.
3. Curd is good for digestion
The alimentary canal quickly absorbs the various essential nutrients in curd. It also helps the other food nutrients absorbed in the digestive system. Yogurt helps to balance PH by maintaining the acidity and alkalinity of the digestion process. Curd helps to solve many stomach problems and relieve those suffering from dysentery.
4. Curd makes the bones and teeth stronger
Curd is abundant with calcium and phosphorous. Yoghurt is an excellent source of calcium. Calcium and phosphorous are essential minerals in strengthening bones and teeth. Eating curd regularly is good as it helps prevent different arthritis problems and also deals with osteoporosis.
5. How does curd help to lose weight?
Curd is known for a high percentage of calcium. The mineral calcium prevents cortisol formation in the body. The imbalance of cortisol in the body leads to many lifestyle-related disorders like hypertension and obesity. New research has confirmed that eating 18 ounces of curd daily helps reduce belly fat, as a more significant amount of calcium allows the fat cells to release less cortisol, thus helping with weight loss.
6. Curd for a healthy heart
Due to faulty lifestyles and improper dietary patterns, more and more people suffer from coronary heart disease. Consuming curd is excellent for maintaining a healthy heart. Yogurt prevents the formation of cholesterol in the arterial region, thus preventing the person from hypertension and high blood pressure. Taking curd helps minimise the risk of high blood pressure and balance the cholesterol level in the body.
7. Curd used as a beauty product
Curd is an effective home remedy to enhance beauty and fair skin. Curd is being used as an effective home remedy for shining skin due to the presence of essential minerals like zinc, vitamin E, phosphorous, etc. A glowing face can be maintained if a mix of curd, gram flour, and lime is applied over the beginning, followed by washing it after 15 minutes through the water. Massaging of curd on the front acts as skin bleach and softens the skin.
8. Curd removes dandruff
Curd helps to get rid of dandruff. Curd can be used as one of the best homemade solutions for getting rid of dandruff as it has lactic acid, which is anti-fungal. When the paste of henna and curd is applied over the scalp, it helps combat dandruff. Curd is also used as a hair conditioner.
9. Curd is a substitute for milk
Several people are facing problems when they take milk. They cannot digest milk, which leads to loose motion or gas formation. This happens due to lactose present in milk. Thus, they are lactose intolerant. In such cases, people should take curd as it converts lactose into lactic acid that quickly gets digested. Here, curd is the best substitute for milk and gets all the nutrients of milk through the curd.
10. Curd acts as an immunity booster
Curd has excellent power to enhance the immunity of the body. Yoghurt protects the body from various microorganisms by building immunity of the body. Curd is exceptionally beneficial for those women who are experiencing vaginal yeast infections.
Comment Text*thanxs so curd z very important for de health …. Onc american doctor said i dont know de people who take curd y dey die tat means curd z v impotsnt …….
Well, curd is a palatable, nutritional and therapeutic in nature. Curd , commonly known as Dahi in India and related fermented milk products are known to” cure all and life extending properties”