![Benefits of Top 100 Yoga Practices](http://gyanunlimited.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Yoga-1024x682.jpg)
Health Benefits of Standing Yogasana
- Tadasana (Palm Tree Pose): Tadasana increases children’s height. The palm tree pose loosens the entire spinal muscles and also tones abdominal organs.
- Trikonasana (Triangle Posture): This triangle posture asana helps increase height among growing children. Trikonasana relieves backache and strengthens the buttocks. This asana is beneficial for sciatica patients. Trikonasana manages diabetes and cures pimples and wrinkles.
- Hastottanasana (Up-stretched Arms Posture): It helps increase height. It is beneficial in removing fats from the hip and buttocks. It also relieves Constipation.
- Shankhaprakshalana: Shankhaprakshalana cleans the small and large intestine thoroughly. Shankhaprakshalana removes all toxic substances from the digestive system and purifies the blood. It is highly beneficial for diseases like diabetes, hyperacidity, and constipation.
- Katicakrasana (Lumbar-Wheel Posture): Katicakrasana is highly beneficial in the management of Neck pain and Back pain.
- Ardhachakrasana (Half Wheel Posture): Ardhachakrasana posture helps to remove fats from the body and is also helpful in back pain management.
- Parsvakonasana (Lateral Angle Posture): This yoga asana melts fat around the waist and hips, strengthens hearts, and improves digestion.
- Vrksasana (Tree Posture): Increases knee and ankle flexibility and cures rheumatic pain.
- Garudasana (Eagle Pose): Garudasana is the most essential yoga to enlarge testicles. It is beneficial in strengthening feet and thigh muscles and helps relieve pain in these areas.
- Padahastasana (Arm Leg Pose): Padahastasana helps cure obesity and constipation.
- Natrajasana (Lord of the Dancers Pose): It enhances concentration.
- Tadasana: Increases expansion and capacity of the lungs and improves blood circulation. Encourages the growth of the heart and other vital organs.
- Ekpadasana (One Leg Pose): Improves neuro-muscular coordination and enhances memory and concentration.
Amazing benefits of sitting yoga poses
- Virasana (Hero’s Posture): Removes lethargy, and a person tending to excessive sleeping should practice this asana. Virasana reduces the waist and makes the chest broad. Virasana is good for vigour and strength.
- Utkatasana (Dynamic Pose): Utkatasana is good at curing arthritis and enhances digestion.
- Padmasana (Lotus Posture): Padmasana induces mental calmness, improves digestion, relieves constipation, and develops memory and concentration.
- Siddhasana (Siddha Posture): Siddhasana helps to attain celibacy and good in awakening the kundalini.
- Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Posture): Vajrasana is good for digestion and strengthens thigh and calf muscles. Vajrasana helps in the management of sciatic infection.
- Swastikasana (Auspicious Posture): Swastikasana is useful for hyper-hydrolysis. This yogasana is helpful for people who sweat excessively in summer.
- Siddha Yoni Asana ( Female Accomplished Pose): Siddha Yoni Asana is highly beneficial to the physical sexual organs of women.
- Bhadrasana (Gracious Posture): Bhadrasana is highly beneficial in pregnancy and facilitates easy childbirth. Thus, pregnant women should practice Bhadrasana.
- Simhasana (Lion Posture): Simhasana helps overcome lethargy and depression.
- Gomukhasana (Cow’s Face Pose): Gomukhasana is beneficial in managing cervical spondylosis and bronchial asthma.
- Vakrasana (Twisting Posture): Vakrasana is helpful in diabetes, eases constipation, and increases the capacity of the lungs.
- Vyaghrasana (Tiger Stretch Pose): Vyaghrasana loosens the stiff spines. Women suffering from sexual diseases like leucorrhea should practice this asana.
- Ardhamatsyendrasanan (Half Spinal Twist Pose): Ardhamatsyendrasanan is helpful for diabetic patients and in managing obesity.
- Udarakarshanasana: Udarakarshanasana is good for curing digestive diseases. It helps relieve constipation and regulates the function of the large intestine.
- Goraksasana: Goraksasana is highly beneficial in the management of piles.
- Garbhasana: Garbhasana is beneficial in massaging and toning the abdominal organs.
- Pascimottanasana (Posterior-Stretched Posture): Pascimottanasana is suitable for managing skin diseases and obesity.
- Kurmasana (Tortoise Posture): Kurmasana helps cure knee pain and is suitable for concentration.
- Uttanmandukasana (Stretched-Frog Posture): Uttanmandukasana effectively manages cervical spondylosis.
- Ustrasana (Camel Posture): Ustrasana is one of the best yoga to reduce fat from the abdomen region.
- Yogasana (Yoga Posture): Yogasana improves digestion and relieves constipation.
- Suptavajrasana (Lying Thunderbolt Posture): Suptavajrasana is helpful in high blood pressure and relieves backache.
- Sasankasana (Hare Pose): Sasankasana is good at managing sexual and gynaecological disorders.
- Mandukasana (Frog Pose): Mandukasana is highly beneficial in releasing gases from the stomach, thus relieving gaseous problems.
- Adhomukhasvanasana: This yoga is highly beneficial in a contracted chest, weak back, and drooping shoulders.
- Sukhasana: Sukhasana facilitates mental and physical balance, thus suitable for peace and tranquillity.
- Vrishasana (Bull Pose): Vrishasana is good for sexual organs.
- Parvatasana (Mountain Pose): Parvatasana is suitable for hip stretches, frozen shoulder, and muscular pain.
- Marichyasana: It helps to massage internal organs by increasing abdominal pressure. Marichyasana is also beneficial for diabetic patients.
- Hastapadangushtasana (Toe-Finger Pose): This Toe-Finger Pose prevents constipation and also helps in reducing waistline fat.
- Dradhasana (Firm Pose): It is suitable for emptying the stomach and favours digestion. It helps to reduce anxiety and stress.
- Yoni Mudra/Shanmukhi Mudra: Shanmukhi Mudra practice helps treat eye, nose, and throat infections.
Wonder about the benefits of lying down yoga
- Makrasana (Crocodile Posture): Makrasana is beneficial in removing mental and physical fatigue.
- Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose): Bhujangasana is beneficial in the treatment of slipped discs and also helpful in relieving flatulence.
- Sarpasana (The Snake Pose): Sarpasana strengthens the spinal muscles. This asana helps increase lung capacity. Sarpasana is good for the heart due to good massage.
- Salabhasana (Locust Pose): Salabhasana benefits asthma patients and relieves neck and back pain.
- Yastikasana (Stick Pose): Yastikasana helps to increase height.
- Dhanurasana (Bow Pose): Dhanurasana is good at managing diabetes, respiratory disorders, and obesity.
- Saithalyasana (Animal Relaxation Pose): Saithalyasana helps loosen the stiff spines. Due to compression of the abdomen, it also facilitates massage to the internal organs.
- Marjariasana (Cat Stretch Pose): Marjariasana is the best asana for post-pregnancy to tighten the abdominal muscles. Suitable for stiff and chronic backache. This Cat Stretch Pose is beneficial in improving women’s sexual organs. Marjariasana also helps to relieve menstrual cramps.
- Uttanpadasana (Raised Feet Pose): Uttanpadasana is highly beneficial in balancing the naval centre.
- Ardhahalasana (Half Plough Pose): Ardhahalasana is helpful in piles and diabetes. The Half Plough Pose prevents cardiac disorder.
- Pawanmuktasana (Anti-flatus Pose): Pawanmuktasana helps eliminate toxic gases from the stomach and is beneficial to melt abdominal fats.
- Matsyasana (Fish Pose): Matsyasana is good for throat diseases and beneficial in curing women’s sexual malfunction.
- Cakrasana (Wheel Pose): Cakrasana delays the process of ageing and improves flexibility in bones and joints.
- Savasana (Corpse Posture): Savasana acts as a panacea in relieving all types of tension.
- Yoga Nidra: Yoga Nidra reduces pain, anxiety, anger, and tension in the body, thus helping to relax the mind to the body. Since Yoga Nidra helps calm the reason, it is good to attain pratyahara.
Potential benefits of topsy-turvy yoga
- Viparitakarnimudra (Technique of Retro Fusion): Viparitakarnimudra improves blood circulation and prevents hair fall. This yogic practice is good for sex organs, aids digestion, turns grey hair to its original colour, regularises the body with youthful vigour, and delays ageing.
- Sarvangasana (All Limbs Pose): Sarvangasana prevents early ageing and greying of hair.
- Setu bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Formation Posture): Setu bandha Sarvangasana relieves stress, headaches, and migraines.
- Sirsasana (Head Stand Posture): Sirsasana increases blood circulation to the head, thus improving memory and concentration.
Unknown benefits of balancing Yoga
- Utthita Padmasana (Uplifted Lotus Pose): Utthita Padmasana prevents muscular weakness and develops upper arms.
- Naukasana (Boat Pose): Naukasana helps remove fat around the waist, and the boat yoga pose is beneficial in treating gastric disorders.
- Kukkutasana (Cockerel Posture): Kukkutasana strengthens arms, shoulders, and elbows.
- Bakasana (Crane Pose): Bakasana balances the body and removes the shoulders’ ailments.
- Mayurasana (Peacock Posture): Mayurasana helps treat defective eyesight and relieves indigestion, constipation, and flatulence.
Excellent benefits of pranayama
- Jalandharabandha (Chin Lock): Jalandharabandha helps remove throat problems and tonsillitis.
- Uddiyanabarndha (Abdominal Lock): Uddiyanabarndha improves blood circulation and strengthens all internal organs.
- Mulabandha (Anal Lock): Mulabandha controls sexual desire. Mulabandha is helpful to enjoy more sex with your life partner.
- Nadisodhana Pranayama: Nadisodhana Pranayama is good for vitality and longevity.
- Suryabhedhana Pranayama: Suryabhedhana Pranayama destroys intestinal worms and delays aging.
- Ujjayi Pranayama: Ujjayi Pranayama is one of the few forms of Yoga that is highly beneficial for removing phlegm.
- Sitkari Pranayama: Sitkari Pranayama is beneficial in diseases like the throat.
- Sitali Pranayama: Sitali Pranayama provides a cooling effect on the body, removes phlegm, and helps reduce poison’s effects on the body.
- Bhastrika Pranayama: Bhastrika Pranayama is good for curing phlegm, removing diseases of the nose and chest, and is very helpful for asthma patients.
- Bhramari Pranayama: Bhramari Pranayama relieves tension and anxiety and soothes the mind.
Surprising benefits of Kriya Yoga (Cleansing yoga)
- Kunjal: Kunjal cleanses the stomach, which helps lessen acidity and hyperacidity. It is also suitable for asthmatic patients.
- Vastradhauti (Cleansing with cloth): Vastradhauti is an effective treatment for Cough and Bronchitis.
- Jalabasti (Yogic Enema with Water): Basti is suitable for a healthy stomach and intestine as it removes old stool bacteria from the lower intestine. Jalabasti is good to cure constipation.
- Sthalabasti (Dry Enema): Sthalabasti removes flatulence and gives eases constipation.
- Sutraneti (Nasal cleansing with Thread): Sutraneti is good for the health of brain cells, improves the function of eyes, and clears airflow in the passage of nostrils.
- Jalaneti (Nasal Cleansing with Water): Jalaneti is highly beneficial in treating chronic headaches, insomnia, and drowsiness. Jalaneti also prevents hair fall cure forgetfulness, and cough.
- Trataka (Purification of Eyes): Trataka is helpful, more or less, in curing all types of eye diseases.
- Nauli (Abdominal Massage): Nauli is good for digestion and helps remove indigestion. Abdominal massage also reduces constipation and acidity.
- Kapalabhati (Breathing Exercise): Kapalabhati helps treat cough and cold, improves digestion, cures constipation, increases lung capacity, and is good for a healthy brain.
- Agnisara: Agnisara helps improve digestion and reduces stomach fat after childbirth.
- Kapalarandradhouti: It helps to remove headaches and gives freshness to the body.
Wonder benefits of Yogic Suksha Vyyaam
- Buddhi Tatha Dhriti Shakti Vikasaka Kriya: Improves blood circulation to the body and enhances brain functions.
- Medha-Shakti Vikasaka Kriya Improves blood circulation to the head, which is good for memory and concentration.
- Netra-Shakti Vikasaka Kriya: This kriya is helpful to make the eye healthy and beneficial in developing concentration.
- Smarana-Shakti Vikasaka Kriya removes mental fatigue and improves memory and concentration.
- Griva-Shakti Vikasaka Kriya: Relieving stress and tension from the head, neck, and shoulder regions is a good practice.
- Rekhagati: This practice increases memory and concentration. It also gives balance to the body.
- Sarvangapushti: It makes the body supple and flexible. It is also beneficial in the treatment of the stiff back.
Benefits of Surya Namaskara
Surya Namaskara: Surya Namaskara increases concentration and calmness. It stretches all abdominal organs, improves digestion, and treats constipation well. Surya Namaskara stimulates all systems of the body and enhances blood circulation. Stretch and extension are associated with sun salutation, helping remove excessive fat. It also increases lung health.
Benefits of meditation
Meditation: Meditation helps to bring ultimate peace and quietness to the mind. Dhyan leads the person to the highest level of spiritual experiences. Meditation reduces depression, stress, and tension. Meditation also increases concentration, memory, and clarity of thoughts.