Meaning of hair loss
Hair loss is a common problem with both men and women. Some experience less hair falls while it is acute with others. Normal hair breaks up in about 50-100 strands per day. Though it is replaced by new ones, ageing, hereditary and hormonal change contributes to permanent hair loss.
The problem can be solved through alternative medicines, viz. yoga, Ayurveda, naturopathy, homoeopathy, Unani, Siddha, acupuncture and acupressure. All these have enough potential and remedial measures to cure it. Home remedies, prevention, and precautions are also essential to minimising it.
Signs & Symptoms
The signs in men, women, children, or adults comprise the following aspects.
- In the case of men, Scalp hair gets thin or wholly lost. The horseshoe-shaped is also one of the prominent features.
- In the case of women: Thinning or diffused hair at the crown. Stress plays a more significant role.
- In the case of children, Abrupt loss is seen
- Loss of hair in patches
- Steady thinning on the top is called Male Pattern Baldness.
- Telogen effluvium: happens after a significant illness
- Male baldness starts from the hairline.
Hair loss causes
- Lice problem or Pediculosis
- Frequent combing
- Coloring
- Bleaching
- Straightening
- Blow dryers
- Hereditary factor, i.e. father or grandfather, tends to lose hair and leads to male pattern baldness.
- Pregnancy due to hormonal changes
- Childbirth and birth control pill
- Major surgery
- Diabetes
- Polycystic ovaries
- Malnutrition
- Skin diseases like ringworm and psoriasis.
- Thyroid disease –hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism
- Drugs for chemotherapy, depression, bipolar disorder, and acne are essential causes.
- Diseases like Addison disease, scarring, seborrheic dermatitis, syphilis, and vitiligo cause hair thinning
- Iron deficiency anemia
- Bulimia
- Hypervitaminosis A
- Anticoagulants like warfarin and heparin
- Seizure medication
- Fungal infection
- Nervous habit
- Blood pressure medication
- Drugs like anti-inflammatory one
- Drugs to low cholesterol
- Oral contraceptive and diet pills
- Aging
- Sickness and infectious diseases
- Toxic chemicals
- Injury
- Harmful radiation
- Medication for Parkinson’s disease
- Ulcer drugs
- The lower level of estrogen and a higher level of androgen hormone
Hair loss in a woman
Thinning of hair is common among women. About 20%- 50% of women faced it at some stage. Hair loss is heartbreaking in women and may affect marital life, career, job opportunities, social networking, etc. Depression, stress, and anxiety are also factors. However, baldness among women is rare. However, the causes of it in women are the same as that of the general reasons mentioned above. Some of the critical factors and related aspects are:
- Control of birth pill
- Stress
- Rapid weight loss
- Prescribed medications
- Lack of proper vitamins and nutrients
- Wrong hairstyling
- Immune diseases
- Chemo Therapy
- Hormonal imbalances
- Lack of protein
- Diffuse hair fall
- Scarring alopecia
- Scalp infection
Pregnancy hair loss
Hair fall is typical after pregnancy due to hormonal changes and varies from mother to mother. Falling of hair starts 12 weeks after delivery. Though average hair fall is 75-100 hairs/ day, moms generally lose about 500 inches/day after delivery.
Hair loss diagnosis
The following tests may be done for women:
- Testosterone, Prolactin, Follicular Stimulating Hormone (FSH), and Luteinizing Hormone(LH)
- Scalp biopsy
- Hair pull test
- Hair pluck test
- Densitometry
- Serum iron
- Serum ferritin
- TIBC-Total Iron Binding Capacity
- Complete Blood Count(CBC)
- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone ( T3, T4)
- Screening test for syphilis-VDRL
Questions for your doctor
- What are the symptoms?
- What are the factors and causes?
- Whether the diet is related to it?
- Whether a medication helps prevent it?
- How can it be corrected?
- How damaged hair can re-grow?
- Is this a hereditary factor?
Yoga for hair loss control
Yoga can provide your body gracefully by protecting your hair and strengthening it internally. The practice of yoga ensures hair growth and also increases blood circulation to the head and scalp region.
- Vajrasana( Thunderbolt Pose) plays a vital role in hair health.
- Stress and anxiety are common causes of thinning hair. Relaxation techniques and meditation are pretty effective in easing stress.
- Headstand yoga enhances blood circulation to the scalp, thereby promoting hair growth
- Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand pose) effectively increases blood supply to the scalp region and prevents hair thinning.
- Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) improves blood circulation in the vertebral column, facilitating better communication between the brain and body.
- Kapalabhati( Frontal lobe cleansing technique) energises the mind and clears the brain’s frontal lobe.
- Anuloma Viloma refreshes the body and organs, especially the brain part, and helps strengthen hair and hair follicles.
- Pranayama acts like a panacea and benefits hair care and baldness. It also helps in promoting hair gain.
Ayurvedic treatment for hair loss
Due to the effectiveness of Ayurveda, modern doctors prescribe alternative medicine for baldness. Ayurveda can play a more significant role in hair fall treatment.
- Massage with coconut oil/ brahmin/ bhringaraj oil on the scalp is a preventive measure. It is a very beneficial Ayurvedic remedy for hair.
- Natural remedies such as Vitamin E oil massage control it.
- Ayurvedic diet: Eating white sesame seeds is beneficial.
- Taking Yogurt to strengthen hair and control the condition.
- Ayurvedic herbs like Dashamoola, Bhringara, and Jatamamsi make hair strong.
- Diets rich in vitamin B & C.
- Fruits, leafy vegetables, and milk
- Sesame seed oil is used to treat hair remedies.
- Reduced junk food and extra calories
- Massage of camphor and coconut oil is effective.
- Rubbing the mix of castor oil, mustard oil and coconut oil to make your hair stronger.
- The water of boiled neem leaves is helpful for hair.
- Massage of honey and egg yolk is good.
- Taking a mix of lettuce and spinach juice is helpful in prevention.
- The application of coconut + lime juice is good.
- A combination of alfalfa juice + carrot juice + lettuce juice helps to grow hair well.
- Take more and more water as it flushes out toxins from the body.
- Use mustard oil regularly as it helps cure baldness.
Best homoeopathy treatment for hair loss
Hair fall and baldness are caused due to many factors like ageing, heredity, testosterone, etc. Homoeopathy remedy for baldness and homoeopathic medicine and hair thinning is being used by people worldwide.
- Arsenicum Album- It is prescribed when a condition is caused by depression and anxiety. This is a suitable homoeopathy cure.
- Graphites and Thuja- are helpful when hair falls along with stomach disorders.
- Silicea beneficial remedy.
- Phosphorous hair problems occur due to clump and dandruff.
- Lycopodium is given for the pre-maturing of grey hair. It is an appropriate natural remedy.
- Kali carbonicum- applicable in case of thinning hair.
Best hair control tips
- Rinsing your hair with apple cider vinegar + sage tea for proper hair growth.
- The herbal serum is quite effective for hair fall control.
- A paste of Licorice extracts and milk induces hair growth.
- A mix of lemon seeds + blackberry is useful for bald patches.
- Wash your scalp with Urad Dal + Methi.
Naturopathy for hair loss solution
There are various natural remedies for the conditions:
- Gentle scalp massage improves blood circulation and stimulates hair re-growth.
- Massage with Amla/Bhringaasava /sesame oil/ coconut oil/ rosemary oil/lavender oil/ cedarwood is a good nature cure treatment.
- Vitamin E oil massage strengthens fragile hair.
- Intake of pro-inflammatory foods like dairy and animal products should be avoided.
- Fresh vegetables, sprouts, legumes, soy, etc. should be preferred.
- Minerals like silica strengthen hair follicles; therefore, one should give more importance to potatoes, cucumbers, and sprouts.
- Acupuncture is recommended for the treatment.
- Aloe Vera is a good treatment as it heals the scalp and cleans the pores.
- Henna is superb for shining hair as it repairs the cuticle and protects hair from thinning.
- For the proper growth of hair, grape extract and vitamin B may be used.
- Herbs like ginkgo biloba, bilberry, and palmetto are natural remedies.
- Buffing of the fingernails of one hand to another may cure scalp problems
Best home remedy for hair growth
- Mix Amla + shikaki powder with curd and use it on the scalp for shining hair. This is a homemade remedy.
- Massage with aroma oil is helpful and keeps one away from baldness.
- Rinse your hair with lemon juice as an effective home remedial measure to prevent baldness.
- The outer cover of lemon and oranges helps maintain shining hair and remove dandruff.
- Massage the scalp with soaked fenugreek seeds. Wrap the scalp for about 2 hours to treat the problem. It is a supportive home remedy.
- Apply the curd, lemon and mustard oil mix on your scalp and wash it after 30 minutes. It is an effective natural remedy for baldness.
- Take more and more quantity of water along with fresh fruits and green vegetables.
- Boil mustard oil + mehndi leaves for hair protection and doused as herbal therapy.
- Massage egg yolk on your scalp for healthy hair care.
- The smearing of henna over the scalp is beneficial for hair growth.
- Natural mild shampoo-lemon, titri, rosemary, is preferred.
- The product of amla + coconut oil helps prevent baldness.
- Boil the hibiscus leaves in water and use the same on the scalp before washing hair with a mild shampoo.
- Rubbing of olive oil reduces hair thinning.
- Rub the scalp smoothly to make the sebaceous gland active, thereby increasing blood circulation.
- A dry piece of Amla + coconut oil is a hair tonic.
- Rub the scalp with onion, followed by honey application as a natural home remedy for baldness. Applying fresh Amaranth juice to hair follicles makes the hair soft and shiny.
- Apply olive oil + rosemary lemon juice + egg yolk to strengthen the hair follicles.
- The extract of coriander leaves is beneficial.
- Rub the scalp with olive oil + cumin.
- Coconut milk is very beneficial.
- Rub the mix of lettuce + spinach is useful.
- Juice of alfalfa + Carrot + lettuce, an excellent remedy for hair growth.
Diet treatment for hair fall
For proper growth of hair, there is a need for a healthy and balanced diet where the proportion of carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals should be equally balanced. Hair primarily comprises protein, so more thrust should be towards protein products. Here, some essential diets are given for hair care and treatment. Weightage should be given on diet therapy, diet chart, and food pyramid to reduce it.
- Stick to a protein-rich diet-fish, yeast, soybean, low-fat cheese, eggs, beans, and yoghurt for proper hair growth. These diets prevent baldness.
- Increase iron intake as it is essential for haemoglobin and blood formation. To increase the number of green vegetables, raisins, dates, etc.
- Zinc is related to hair growth. Take zinc-rich items like seafood.
- Restrict burgers, fries, cold, spicy, sugary foods, caffeine, fat, carbonated drinks, animal protein, excessive raw food, tofu, tomatoes, etc., as these are the culprits for hair thinning.
- A diet like Atkins, South Beach, damages hair.
- Top foods that promote hair growth are liver, yeast, fish, eggs, beans, cottage cheese, yoghurt, tofu, whole grain cereals, dark green leafy vegetables, eggs, dates, raisins, walnuts, canola oil, soy, avocados, nuts, seeds, olive, legumes, onions, raw oats, dried fruits, cherry juice, beets, brown rice, root vegetables, winter squash, black beans, pumpkin, black pepper, brown rice syrup etc.
Best hair loss prevention tips
- Hair dyes, hairdryers, and curling should not be used excessively.
- Take calcium to your diet to make hair stronger.
- For hair colouring, there should be a gap of 6-8 weeks.
- Take a sound sleep.
- Manage stress and anxiety.
- Avoid stiff hairstyles like braids, buns, and ponytails.
- Foods that prevent: Fish, eggs, beans, raisins, bean sprouts, seafood, etc.
- Take vitamin C for its prevention. The recommended dose is 1,000-3,000 mg/day.
- A protein-rich diet should be preferred as the hair comprises protein.
- Vitamin B and biotin are necessary for hair growth.
- Iron is needed for proper oxygenation of the blood in the scalp and other regions of the body.
- Vitamin E stimulates hair growth.
- Avoid harsh shampoo and conditioners.
- Alcohol and beverages should be restricted.
- Combing gently.
- Don’t rub your hair vigorously.
- Eat a balanced diet.
- Do meditation and exercise regularly.
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