9 best health benefits of drinking pomegranate juice
Pomegranate is considered as the ‘Nature’s Power Fruit’. Pomegranate juice has refreshing health and medicinal properties and has been used since ancient times. Pomegranate is full of nutrients and is regarded as a symbol of health and wellness. The pomegranate is one of the few whose entire body parts are fruits, leaves, seeds, bark, stem, and root.

1. Pomegranate fights cancer
In a recent study, it has been confirmed that pomegranate juice helps to destroy breast cancer cells.
Regular taking of Pomegranate juice also lowers the risk of prostate cancer.
Pomegranate is rich in flavonoids and polyphenols, which act against free radicals and prevent cancer-causing free radicals.
It contains both breast and prostate cancer, colon cancer, and leukaemia.
Studies in mice show that pomegranate juice is beneficial in the case of lung cancer, too.
Ellagic acid in pomegranate is also a self-destructive agent for cancer cells.
2. Pomegranate juice for heart disease
Natural pomegranates are full of antioxidants.
These antioxidants prevent the hardening of arteries.
Pomegranate seeds check to stick to blood platelets, thus discouraging the formation of blood clots.
In new research, it has also been confirmed that taking pomegranate juice increases the oxygen level in the heart.
Pomegranate is described as a miracle fruit and shows many health and medicinal benefits due to the presence of flavonoids and polyphenols; these photo-chemicals help to reduce the risk of coronary and heart disease, heart attack, and strokes.
Punicalagins, a chemical compound found in pomegranates, benefit the heart and blood vessels.
Pomegranate also makes blood thinner, thus ensuring proper blood circulation.
3. Pomegranate seeds for skin cancer
The fibrous components of pomegranate come from seeds.
The fresh roots are delicious and acidic. Pomegranate seeds are used with salads to enrich their taste and nutrient value.
As far as beneficial aspects are concerned, the juice and seeds are equally helpful.
A recent study has also concluded that pomegranate seeds stimulate the production of collagen that strengthens the skin.
Some studies have shown when the extract of seeds is applied over the skin; it reduces the chances of skin cancer.
It is one of the finest healing products that helps to heal wounds and manage infections.
For some people, these seeds may also cause bowel diverticula, leading to pain.
4. Diarrhea treatment by pomegranate
Pomegranate is a beneficial fruit in treating diarrhoea and dysentery. The astringent property of its peel is helpful in diseases like diarrhoea, bleeding, and dysentery.
Pomegranate peel is also used in cases of intestinal inflammation, piles, and haemorrhoids.
Ingredients Use to Cure Diarrhea
- Pomegranate Peel: 1/2 cup
- Cumin Seeds: 1 tsp
- Buttermilk: 1/2 cup
First, the pomegranate peel should be soaked in water for 30-40 minutes.
Now, could you mix all the ingredients and grind them well? Salt may also be added for taste.
One can take 1/4 cup of this mix twice or thrice daily to relieve Diarrhea and Dysentery.
5. Pomegranate Juice for arthritis treatment
For arthritis treatment and management, pomegranate can be taken as an essential arthritis diet.
Studies have also shown that pomegranate juice helps prevent the onset of cartilage deterioration, thereby keeping osteoarthritis at bay.
Therefore, regularly drinking one glass of pomegranate juice or eating one piece daily significantly helps cartilage protection.
6. Pomegranate treats Alzheimer’s disease
Pomegranate can play an essential role in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.
It enhances the body’s immune system and thus acts against diseases like Alzheimer’s.
In a recent study, pomegranate juice was given to mice; it was reported that they experienced less amyloid plaque accumulation and performed better brain function.
The presence of vitamin B, riboflavin, thiamine, and niacin in pomegranate juice also slows down the degeneration of brain cells.
7. Pomegranate juice as a pregnancy diet
During pregnancy, the expectant mother requires more energy daily. It is better to furnish these extra calories from pomegranate juice as it is pleasant, delicious, juiciest and has adequate calories.
Pomegranate juice also contains many nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D, iron, folic acid, folate, and protein needed during pregnancy.
These nutrients also help in the healthy development of babies.
A study published in “The American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology, and Metabolism” shows that drinking juice helps to reduce the risk of placenta injury.
The high level of antioxidants also prevents the placenta from free radicals—the phytochemicals in pomegranate help to lower blood pressure.
The immunity is increased by vitamin C present in the juice.
8. Nutritional values of pomegranate (100 grams)
Nutritionally, pomegranate is a vital fruit endowed with no fat, low sugar, satisfactory calories, fibre, vitamins, and other minerals.
In 100 grams of pomegranate, the nutritional facts are:
Fat (0.3 gram)
Fibre (0.6 gm)
Sugar (16.57 gm)
Carbohydrate (17.17 gm)
Energy (70 Kcal)
Niacin (0.3mg)
Riboflavin (0.063 mg)
Thiamine (0.03 mg)
Protein (0.95 gm)
Iron (0.3 mg)
Calcium (3 mg)
vitamin C (6.1 mg)
Folate (6mg)
Vitamin B6 (0.105 mg)
Vitamin B5 (0.596 mg)
Zinc (0.12 mg)
Potassium (259 mg)
Phosphorous (8 mg) and Magnesium (3 mg).
9. Dental care through pomegranate juice
If you are drinking pomegranate juice, it means you are protecting your teeth naturally from decaying.
Pomegranate juice has antibacterial and anti-viral effects, thus preventing dental plaque.
Bad breath (halitosis) can be prevented when powdered pomegranate peel is taken with water twice daily.
Gum-related diseases such as gum swelling and gum bleeding are reduced after massaging gum from peel-powered pomegranate.
Dental caries can also be prevented when peeled pomegranate powdered is applied as toothpaste along with ground black pepper.
Pomegranate juice side effects
- In most cases, pomegranate juice doesn’t show any side effects. However, in some cases, it may show some adverse reactions, especially in allergic people.
- When pomegranate juice is taken with low blood pressure medicine, the patient may experience too low or hypotension.
- People suffering from asthma should take pomegranate juice with utmost care, as drinking this juice may cause some allergic symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and breathing problems.
- Diabetic patients should avoid pomegranate juice because of the higher concentration of sugar in it.
- Drinking this juice may also cause rash, hives, itching, wheezing, lips swelling, and difficulty swallowing.
Ten excellent benefits of pomegranate juice
- It is known as a ‘miracle fruit’ due to its abundant antioxidants. Pomegranate juice is anti-cancerous, especially in the case of colon cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer.
- Pomegranate juice acts like aspirin, which stops plaque formation in blood vessels.
- Pomegranate is a superfood, an excellent store of antioxidants and phytochemicals that fight free radicals and save you from various diseases and infections.
- pomegranate juice regularly benefits heart patients by keeping lousy cholesterol from oxidising.
- Its juice prevents heart attacks and strokes. The presence of vitamins and enzymes prevents cholesterol oxidation, thus decreasing the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increasing the percentage of good cholesterol (HDL).
- Pomegranate aids in digestion and helps to release many enzymes. It contains fibres that smooth bowel movement, used in case of diarrhoea dysentery. It is also used as a natural laxative, which relieves constipation.
- Pomegranate juice has anti-inflammatory properties, relieving sore throat.
- Pomegranate juice is an aphrodisiac that, if taken regularly for 15-20 days, urges sexual desire.
- Pomegranate juice enhances blood circulation and is one of the best remedies for erectile dysfunction.
- Regular juice drinking helps maintain the estrogen level in women and relieve menstrual problems.
Other reference include pomegranate as diabetic fruit. I think pomegranate worstly for diabetic when drink as sugary juice or as concentrate 🙂