Childhood obesity
It is supposed to be a gift of modern civilisation. People get obese due to faulty lifestyles, wrong eating, and mistaken standard of living. Nowadays, children, youths, females, and adults all suffer from this disorder. It is sad when the vast Affordable Care Act (ACA) options have to include extensive coverage for diabetes and other overweight-related conditions. Childhood obesity and weight control are too common due to a lack of physical activity, exercise, and sedentary lifestyle. Childhood overweight is becoming an epidemic health problem globally. The increasing number of obese patients shows we are getting away from Nature. This condition can be treated effectively by balanced nutrient intake and rational use of alternative medicine like Yoga, Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Siddha, and Unani. Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) is a reasonable choice for a healthy life.
How to measure obesity (BMI)
It can be measured by Weight in Kg /Height in the Meter square of your body, termed Body Mass Index (BMI). The various numerical values of BMI and its associated conditions are: when BMI is <18.5 Kg/ m2, it is underweight. Weight between 18- 24 Kg/ m2 is called Normal, 25-29 Kg/ m2 is called Overweight, and > 30 Kg/ m2 is called2 is called Overweight, and > 30 Kg/ m2 is called2 is called Overweight, and > 30 Kg/ m2 is termed Obese.
Symptoms of Obesity
The main symptoms and signs of it are as follows:
- Fatty and disproportionate body (imbalance between height and weight)
- Breathlessness after work
- More perspiration
- Pain in the back or joints/trouble moving
- Laziness
- Excessive sleep
- Snoring
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Size of waist increase
- Experiencing hot
- Sign of rashes in the fold-up of your skin
Obesity causes
The leading causes and reasons behind this may be as follows:
- Digestive disorders
- Lack of challenging work
- Lazy and sedentary lifestyles
- Lack of exercise
- Hormonal imbalance and an unhealthy diet
- More intake of heavy and oily food items, i.e. fast food
- Overeating and more intake of fat calories
- Improper assimilation of food
- Heredity (children of obese person has high risk)
- Excessive use of alcohol and smoking
- Drugs like steroids and some antidepressants may cause excessive weight gain
- Age (generally, people above 40 started gaining weight)
- Psychological factors like boredom, sadness, or anger decreased activity level
- Slow metabolism leads to fat deposits and increases weight
- Diseases like hypothyroidism and insulin resistance are also contributors to the disorders
Complications of Obesity
If a person is obese, he may experience the following health hazards
- Osteoarthritis
- Diabetes
- Heart disease
- High blood pressure
- Depression
- Metabolic disorder
- Sleep disorders
- Blood abnormalities
- Cancer
- High level of cholesterol
- Breathing problem
- Stroke
Diagnosis of Obesity
If you are Overweight or Obese, the following tests or exams may be recommended by the physicians for treatment.
- Assessing your health history, like weight loss or gain, dieting habits, stress, etc.
- Reviewing health problems like blood pressure, heart disease
- Measurement of BMI (Body Mass Index) circumference of your waist
- Blood and Urine tests for extra sugar
Yoga for obesity prevention
The disease is supposed to be a gift of the modern lifestyle and a breeding ground for so many conditions. Yoga poses like Asanas, Pranayama, meditation, and relaxation techniques are helpful for weight loss, lessening body fat, and weight management. Shedding off excess fat and attaining an ideal body can be achieved by practising yoga. Yogic exercises or therapy is efficient in controlling and managing it. The different yogic practices and yoga tips for treatments of the disorder are:
- Sarvangasana( Shoulder stand pose) improves the efficiency of the thyroid glands, which are responsible for correcting body weight and normalising the endocrine system that controls the condition.
- Padahastasana (Forward bending asana) improves the body’s metabolic process by acting on the thyroid and pituitary gland, thus controlling it.
- Dhanurasana (Bow pose) helps burn excessive body fat.
- Paschimottanasana (Back stretching pose) helps to remove excess fat in the abdominal region and tones all the abdominal organs.
- Ardha-Matsyendrasana (Half spinal twist pose) treats ailments like diabetes, indigestion, overweight, and constipation.
- Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) massages the abdominal organs, increases the flexibility of the back, and regulates the thyroid gland. Suitable for childhood overweight.
- Pavan Muktasana (Wind releasing pose) reduces abdominal fat.
- Viparita Karni relieves the disorders related to the thyroid and parathyroid glands.
- Practices like Kunjal and Shankha Prakshalana are effective in treating fat-related problems.
- Regular practice of Kati Chakrasana, Halasana, Matsyasana, Ushtrasana, and Surya Namaskara is highly beneficial for such patients.
- Suryabhedi and Bhastrika Pranayama are also found helpful in weight reduction.
- Such patients should start their daily routine early in the morning with a brisk walk.
Ayurveda treatments for obesity
Ayurveda is an alternative natural herbal treatment to cure overweight conditions by balancing the body. The top Ayurveda medicine for weight reduction is:
- Guduchi helps properly canalise fats in the body, thus used as an effective ayurvedic treatment for fat reduction.
- Guggulu reduces fat accumulation in the body and gives a leaner physique.
- Indian Gooseberry contains vitamin C, disintegrates fatty buildup in the body, and is an excellent example of an ayurvedic remedy.
- Consuming two teaspoons of honey + 1 glass of herbal tea can be an herbal remedy for the obese person and weight reduction.
- 1 tsp guggul + ginger + honey, an ayurvedic alternative for fat management.
- 1/2 teaspoon of chitrak + kukti + trikatu is ayurvedic medicine for weight reduction.
- For Ayurveda weight management, fresh pineapple juice, hot pepper juice, and pimentos must be used to get the benefits.
- As an Ayurveda weight control, Triphala (3-5 gm) or aloe gel can be used.
- Use of Nevada, must-have, Triphala, takrarishta and honey is recommended as a natural herb cure for overweight.
- Powder of java and amalaka is an excellent formulation for reducing fat in the body.
- Shilajita, along with the juice of Agnimatha, works well.
- Take honey water early in the morning.
- Use Vidanga, Sunthi, Aamalaki, and Loha powder, which suits the disorder.
- Herbs like amla and haritaki are also reasonably practical.
- Mixing parts of turmeric, Triphala, trikatu, and honey helps manage fat.
- Using green gram and horse gram.
Homeopathy medicine for obesity
- Calcarea carb is a homoeopathic treatment for weight control. It helps to reduce it by reducing fat and a large belly.
- Cinchona off is used primarily for weight treatment to reduce gluttonous appetite.
- Lycopodium decreases the craving for sweets and loss of appetite.
- Calotropis gigantea is an effective homoeopathy remedy for overweight and to reduce fat.
- Phytolacca berry is for weight reduction.
- Ignatia is generally prescribed if you are anxious and fearful and tend to overeat.
- Coffea cruda is indicated if you are excitable and nervous and eat primarily to calm down.
- Ferrum metallicum: fat with anemia and puffy face.
- Ammonium muriaticum: suitable for those with large buttocks, fatty belly, and thin legs.
- Thyroidinum: Playing a more significant role in excessive fat accumulation.
- Antimonium crudum: This product is used when young people are suffered from overweight.
- Phytollaca: helps to reduce fat, thereby fruitful for reducing weight.
- Fucus: A preparation to reduce fat.
- Another critical Homeopathic medicine to reduce fat and overcome weight is Ammonium Carb, Ammonium Mur, Aurum Metallicum, Calcarea Carbonica, Calotropis gigantea, Capsicum, Carlsbad, Esculentine, Ferrum Metallicum, Fucus Vesiculosus, Graphites, Kali Bichromicum, Kali Carbonicum, Phytolacca Berry, Phytoline, Thyroidinum, etc.
Naturopathy to treat obesity
Fat accumulation is the most common nutritional disorder in modern times. It aptly says, “Longer the belt, Shorter the life”. The people who suffer from the disease should have sufficient places to work hard and exercise in their daily routine. Stress, anxiety, tension, and taking alcoholic beverages also caused it. To manage this condition with naturopathy, the patients are advised to take the following measures.
- Fasting, especially with juice for 4-5 days, is an effective natural remedy.
- Mudpack is a traditional method of healing.
- Warm-water enema
- Steam and Sauna baths restore the natural living and help reduce it.
- Hip bath
- Full tub bath
- Sunbath
- Hotfoot bath and
- Massage is given using oils like mustard and coconut to impact the patients positively.
- A whole-body massage is beneficial.
- Swimming is also helpful in reducing weight.
- Stay away from high-calorie food.
- A daily walk of 3-4 km is recommended
Unani medicine for obesity
Unani medicine has a long, successful record of treating obese people. The most crucial aspect of Unani is its quality coordination with the body system.
- Safoof e muzzily hamzah argue zeera( 2 tola twice a day)
- Shahed khalis and jamun ka sirka humwazan + arque lemon ( twice a day)
- Aksir e rewand aqabi idrari (safoof e jiger)
Siddha treatments for obesity
- Medicines like ponkoranti , kollu, Pazham puzhi, and Avarai roots reduce excess body fat and cholesterol.
- Salacia roots are used for it.
- The antioxidant property of garlic is famous for weight loss.
- Seenthil + Triphala + Parpadakam + honey, useful for obese people.
- Indian gooseberry is an effective herb for the treatment of weight management.
- Guggulu reduces fat from the body.
Top 10 home remedies for overweight
- Honey is an excellent product to reduce it. It can be used as an herbal remedy.
- Lemon water in the morning is an effective weight loss remedy.
- Avoid sleeping during the day.
- Hot water throughout the day is beneficial for the melting of fats. Generally, it is used as an overweight home remedy treatment.
- Tea with ginger dissolving fat acts as a natural home remedy.
- Fasting is also one of the aspects to control.
- Follow the exercise regime regularly.
- Yeast brewer is the substitute for sweet.
- Bee pollen also enhances metabolism.
- Identify and avoid food triggers
How diet reduces weight naturally
Excellent therapy to reduce weight is less eating and more exercise. Such patients should start their treatment with a liquid diet. A glass of water mixed with half lemon juice should be taken 3 to 4 times a day during the juice diet. After a liquid diet, a time fruit diet and one-time Dalia and vegetables should be taken for a week. After that, whole wheat chapatti and boiled vegetables should be taken. This process should be repeated after every 15 days. I prefer fruits, vegetables, salad, and sprouts to overcome the weight problem. As weight control advice, restrict the use of sweets and heavy and oily foods. With diet therapy and diet chart alone, the treatment of overweight is incomplete. Diet can combat fat accumulation.
Diet tips to control weight
The following diet information is an effective natural diet for weight management.
- Morning: One glass of water, lemon juice, + two spoonfuls of honey, considered as a weight loss diet.
- Breakfast: Sprouts (Moong + Methi), seasonal fruit, or fruit juice.
- Lunch: Whole wheat roti – 1 or 2 + boiled vegetables (Lauki, Tinda, Taroi, Parval, etc.) without spices Salad, + Chhachh (1 glass).
- Mid-afternoon: Coconut water, dry fruits, lemon tea, or vegetable soup.
- Evening: One glass water + lemon juice + honey (2 tsp) or Veg. Soup (1 glass).
- Dinner: As in lunch
Obesity prevention and precautions
- Follow the traditional system of medicine
- Make positive changes in eating, living, and thinking habits.
- Regular exercise combined with a morning walk, yoga, and a balanced and controlled natural diet shows promising results.
- Avoid fast and junk food.
- Follow your weight regularly.
- Stick with your diet pattern or chart.
- Avoid aerated drinks and excess water after meals.
- The intake of fat and carbohydrates should be restricted.
- Foods that are excessively rich in carbohydrates must be avoided.
- Obese people must avoid preserved foods.
- Avoiding sleeping in the afternoons helps to increase the burning of calories.
- Excessive smoking and alcohol consumption should be avoided.
I am really fed up with my obese body.. I am 26 unmarried.. I have way to much fat around lower abdomen, hips, thighs, arms. Plz help me out.
Thanx for these amazing tips, really very helpful.