9 wonder health benefits of eating Raspberry
Raspberry is summer’s tasty, satisfying your taste buds with abundant health benefits. The refreshing, sweet, and juicy fruit are good for overall health. The delicious fruit contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and dietary fibre. At the same time, it is low in fat, cholesterol, and calories and may help to prevent cancer and heart diseases and, of course, may help to slow down the ageing process. It takes care of your skin while ageing protects you from sun rays. It is a fruit that can be frozen without losing its nutritional value. Raspberry, with the botanical name Rubus idaeus, belongs to the Rosaceae family.
1. Raspberry alleviates Arthritis
Raspberry helps manage inflammation and joint problems like arthritis, gout, and rheumatism. To some extent, it helps fight joint pains, just like painkiller medicines. The presence of anthocyanins in raspberries is beneficial in combating inflammation. Recent research conducted by the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry has shown that red raspberry has anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of polyphenolic compounds that may lessen the inflammation of joints. Rutin, a bioflavonoid compound, also prevents inflammation.
2. Raspberry nutrition facts
Raspberry is known for its health-promoting nutritional value, including vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Raspberry has an adequate amount of phytonutrients, antioxidants, and other biochemicals. The nutritional value and calories in 156 gram of Raspberry are as follow. The various nutrients of raspberry are Protein (1.9g), Carbohydrate (19g), Fat (1300mg), Sugar (7g), Sucrose (200mg), Water (133.7g), Calorie (162.8cal), Dietary Fiber (10g), Vitamin A (51 IU), Vitamin C (41mg), Vitamin E (1.4 mg), Niacin (933mcg), Pantothenic Acid (513 mcg), Calcium (39mg), Iron (1.1 mg), Magnesium (34 mg), Phosphorous (45 mg), Potassium (236 mg) and Sodium ( 1.6mg).
3. Weight loss through raspberry
Red Raspberry has anti-obesity benefits and is effective in weight loss management. The raspberry ketone enzyme helps form adiponectin, which controls metabolic activities and thus keeps the person from obesity. The raspberry ketone helps burn fat and lose weight in rats, mice, and rabbits, and it acts as a free weight loss product. Research conducted on rats, mice, and rabbits found that raspberry speeds up fat burning and reduces fat from the liver because of raspberry ketone. For losing weight, raspberry will help you a lot. The fruit contains a good amount of fibre and manganese. Wool tends to fill your stomach for a more extended period, while the presence of manganese works well in fat burning.
4. Raspberry prevents macular degeneration
Raspberry is beneficial for eyesight protection. The fruit raspberry is packed with antioxidants that prevent macular degeneration and is one of the best fruits to promote healthy eyesight. Eating three or more servings of raspberry is an excellent natural remedy for treating macular degeneration, which is more prominent in the case of older people. Raspberry also enhances resistance against cataracts and glaucoma—raspberry is supposed to have lutein, which is good for healthy vision.
5. Raspberry prevents cancer
In new research on animals, it has been found that raspberry has the features to protect from cancers. Eating raspberry inhibits the growth of cancer cells due to specific antioxidants and has more antioxidants than many other fruits. Antioxidants such as anthocyanins, carotenoids, ellagic acids, quercetin, gallic acid, and catechins are beneficial against cancer. They engulf the free radicals, thus slowing down the process of cancer formation cells. Anthocyanin is related to reducing the risk of certain cancers. Ellagic acids are practical in preventing cancers.
6. Raspberry strengthens the immune system
Raspberry is known for strengthening the immune system and enhancing the body’s resistance power. Raspberry has plenty of vitamin C, which helps to ward off diseases and protects us from bacteria and viruses. Vitamin C helps in the health promotion of the immune system. Raspberry is also enriched in different antioxidants and phytonutrients, which invigorate the immune system and combat diseases.
7. Raspberry reduces wrinkles
Raspberry works well against wrinkles, pimples, acne, blemishes, and sun rays. The presence of vitamin C helps to reduce wrinkles, age spots, and skin discolouration. Raspberry is also used for facial masks. For this, take 50 grams of yoghurt and 100 grams of raspberry. Blend them well to have a homogenous mix. Apply the paste over your face and leave it for 15-20 minutes. After that, wash it with lukewarm water. A natural facial mask of raspberry protects the skin from sun rays. Red raspberry leaves are used to treat skin rashes. Research conducted at Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Japan, showed that raspberry ketone improves skin elasticity and is suitable for hair growth.
8. Raspberry for heart diseases
Raspberry has many benefits for cardiovascular diseases. A study conducted at Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi, China, showed that raspberry has protection against cardiovascular diseases due to the presence of phenolic compounds. Like aspirin, the salicylic acid content in raspberry has demonstrated protective effects on heart diseases. Raspberry contains potassium that helps regulate heart rate and blood pressure; on the other hand, a small amount of sodium strengthens the functions of potassium. Thus, the fruit is beneficial in diseases like heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and blood pressure.
9. Raspberry slows down the ageing
Raspberry is a good source of antioxidants and phytochemicals such as anthocyanins, vitamin C, ellagic acids, catechins, salicylic acids, lutein, zeaxanthin, quercetin, beta-carotene, gallic acids, cyanidin, and kaempferol. All these biochemical compounds act well against free radicals and have potential health benefits in slowing ageing. The presence of resveratrol is beneficial to slow down the ageing mechanism.
10 Top health benefits and uses of raspberry
- Raspberry helps to control blood sugar because the fruit is low on the glycemic index and an adequate source of fibre.
- Raspberry’s xylitol has half the caloric value of sugar and is also low in glycemic value; therefore, it is helpful in diabetes.
- Raspberry has no fat, saturated fat, sodium, and cholesterol, thus quite adequate for several diseases.
- Iron and folate content helps in the treatment of anaemia.
- Raspberry contains lutein, which is responsible for healthy eye vision.
- The fruit is antimicrobial, thus preventing infection caused by certain bacteria and fungi.
- Raspberry leaf is suitable for pregnant women as it strengthens the uterus and pelvic muscles.
- It has a good amount of magnesium, potassium, iron, and vitamin B-complex, good for nausea, leg cramps, and pregnancy.
- Raspberry leaves contain fragile that tone both the intestine and reproductive organs.
- Raspberry leaf tea is also beneficial in increasing the milk production of mothers after childbirth.
Good info on the benefits of raspberry