Definition of Yoga Satkarma
The word Satkarma is comprised of two words-Sat: means six, and Karma, means practices. In Ayurveda, karma implies the cleansing process. Thus, sat karma is the body’s cleansing or yogic purificatory process. These purification processes (Satkarma) help remove diseases, toxins, and impurities, along with cleansing the body’s internal organs. The six purifying processes of Satkarma are Dhauti, Basti, Neti, Trataka, Nauli, and Kapalabhati. These purification processes are highly beneficial in purifying the body and overall health of the body.
Medicinal value of Yoga Satkarma
The relevance of Satkarma has increased many folds in modern times. Due to the technological revolution and atmospheric pollution, health is affected by many ailments. The two main atmospheric pollutions- air and water- have become a more significant health threat for the people, especially those living in towns and cities. Improper food habits are also injurious to health and give birth to many diseases like asthma, headaches, migraines, allergies, skin diseases, abdominal disorders, etc. Pollutants are full of chemicals and toxins which can be removed through the cleansing process of yoga. These six cleansing processes work on different systems of the body, thereby helping in removing impurities from these body systems. Kunjal helps remove excess toxins, bile, and mucous from the stomach. Basti- the part of the yogic purifying process that is beneficial in eliminating old stool and worms and easing constipation. Neti cares for your ENT regions and fights colds, coughs, and tonsillitis. Nauli gives relief from constipation, indigestion, acidity, and flatulence. Trataka is an excellent Yoga for the eyes, and Kapalbhai is good for curing phlegm and constipation and making your lungs healthy.

Hyper-acidity treatment through Dhauti
Dhauti is one of the important cleansing processes. Dhauti is especially effective for the digestive tract. Dhauti, being a purificatory process, makes the digestive system clean and helps remove waste products such as bile, mucus, and toxins from the digestive tract. Dhauti has many health and therapeutic benefits. Kunjal, where a large amount of water is taken into the stomach and expelled from the stomach part, is beneficial in cleaning out stomach impurities. Vamanadhauti helps release excess bile and phlegm. Dhauti is suitable for removing toxins from the alimentary canal and respiratory system. Kunjal helps overcome hyperacidity, inertia, biliousness, asthma, and sore throat. Vastradhauti removes extra bile and extra fat.
Basti cleansing yoga increases appetite.
Basti is a form of Yogic enema. Basti means drawing water or air into the large intestine through the anus, thereby expelling it. This is done to purify the lower part of the colon. Basti helps relieve diseases caused by increased Vata (wind), pitta (bile), and Kapha (phlegm). Basti has many advantages. It removes old stool, worms, toxins, and other impurities from the lower parts of the intestine. It eases constipation and massages the abdominal segment. Since Basti thoroughly cleanses the lower colon, it increases appetite and is suitable for health.

Neti means cleansing the nasal passage. It is an excellent yogic kriya that should be practised before pranayama. Neti removes toxic substances from the nasal passage, thus facilitating better breathing. Neti cleanses the brain cells and stimulates the nerves. This practice is highly beneficial for ENT organs. In Yoga, Jalaneti is the best exercise for curing acute headaches and insomnia. Jalaneti is also effective in preventing the greying of hair and is suitable for memory and cough. Jalaneti is beneficial for eye diseases such as soreness and dimness of eyesight. It is also helpful in the case of night blindness.
Yoga pose Trataka for eyesight.
Trataka is the best yoga practice for curing all eye diseases and disorders. Trataka is beneficial for cleansing and strengthening the eyes. In Trataka, gazing is done to a particular object unless and until eyes start watering. Lamps or burning candles can be used as gazing things. Trataka is also helpful in overcoming drowsiness and improves memory and concentration.
Yoga pose Nauli improves digestion.,
The word Nauli has been derived from Nala which means navel string. Nauli is an effective abdominal massage where the stomach is quickly rotated from right to left. The stomach experiences the middle left and proper rotation in Nauli. Nauli has many health advantages, such as stimulating digestion, curing indigestion, and easing constipation. Nauli has physiological and therapeutic benefits, too. Nauli gives robust abdominal massage, regulates the functions of the endocrine gland, and reduces constipation, acidity, and urinary disorders. It is also beneficial for sexual disorders, flatulence, and diabetes.
Amazing benefits of Kapalabhati
Kapalabhati consists of two words: Kapala means head, and Bhati means to shine. Therefore, Kapalabhati is called head glow yoga. It provides mental rejuvenation and calmness to the brain and the entire skull. In Kapalabhati, inhalation is done at a low speed, while exhalation is performed at a higher rate. Exhalation and inhalation seem like bellows. Kapalabhati is suitable for respiration. It helps to clear the air passage from impurities and excess mucous. Kapalabhati is beneficial in curing a cold, sinusitis, and rhinitis. It increases lung capacity and stimulates the brain.
Medicinal benefits of Yoga pose Kriyas (cleansing yoga)
- The Kriya, such as Kunjal, is good for patients suffering from phlegm, bile, liver congestion, spleen diseases, cough, etc.
- Satkarma, like Vastradhauti, is suitable for overcoming cough, asthma, and leprosy
- Vastradhauti helps to minimise stomach burns, skin diseases, fever, the case of enlarged spleen, and dyspepsia.
- Basti cures spleen inflammation and dropsy, removes toxin products from the stomach and causes abdominal disorders.
- Jalabasti can remedy the problems of mucus, bile, and gland enlargement.
- Jalabasti also enhances digestion and stimulates digestive power.
- Neti is an effective Kriya that can cure all diseases above the throat. It is suitable for keen eyesight and cleanses the sinuses.
- Tratak is the panacea for eye diseases in the form of Shatkarma.
- Enhance your digestion by doing Nauli. It stimulates the gastric gland to release more gastric juices, thereby improving digestion. It helps to cure stomach problems and simultaneously streamline digestion.
- Have your constipation? Have you Indigestion? Have you digestion problems? Does Kapalabhati get relief from these conditions?
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