Meaning of Bhadrasana
Bhadrasana consists of two words –Bhadra and Asana. Bhadra is a Sanskrit word which means Auspicious or Gracious, while asana indicates Yoga pose. This yoga pose is also known as Auspicious or Gracious Yoga. This asana activates the Mooladhara chakra.
Bhadrasana in Yogic texts
In many Yogic texts, this asana has been given a prominent place. It has been mentioned in Hatha Yoga Pradeepika and Gheranda Samhita. Yogi Swatmarama has said four yogasana for meditation, of which one of the Yoga poses is Bhadrasana. The great Yoga saint Goraksha likes to sit in this pose, also known as Gorakshasana.
Health benefits of Bhadrasana
- Knee and Hip Joints: This asana helps strengthen the knee and hip joints, thereby reducing pain. Thus, it enhances the flexibility of the legs.
- Stomach stress: It helps to reduce the stress and strain of the abdominal region.
- Menstrual Cycle: This yoga pose effectively prevents problems during the menstrual cycle, including relieving abdominal pain.
- Pregnancy: This sitting asana is beneficial during pregnancy. It is suggested that if the yoga asana is practised under the supervision of a yoga expert during pregnancy, there is a greater chance of having a standard delivery. Thus, this yoga pose prevents surgery.
- Yoga for diseases: As per Hatha Yoga Pradeepika, Bhadrasana is a disease destroyer.
- Yoga for internal organs: This asana works upon the internal organs, thus good for the health of these body parts.
- Good for body and mind: The auspicious pose helps to stabilise the body and mind.
- Yoga for meditation: As per Yogic Sastra, Bhadrasana is the best yoga for meditation and spirituality. It helps to soothe the brain by reducing cognitive activities.
- Urinary system: The asana is good for Kidney, bladder and prostate health.
- Spine: It helps to release tension from the spinal region, thus preventing diseases and disorders.
How to do Bhadrasana step by step
- First, sit on the floor by stretching your legs out.
- Your arms should be beside your buttocks. This position is called Dandasana.
- Now fold your legs and bring them closer to each other. The soul of the feet should touch each other.
- In fact, the soul of the feet should come to Mooladhara Chakra.
- Relax your body.
- Your spine should be straight and relaxed.
- Do inhaling and exhaling slowly.
- Maintain the pose as long as you can.
Bhadrasana precautions
- Arthritis: The patient with acute arthritis should avoid practising this asana.
- Sciatica: Those suffering from sciatica should also avoid this asana.
- Strain: One shouldn’t practice it if feels any strain in the body.
- One can perform it by placing a pillow or blanket below the buttocks.
- During the advanced stage of pregnancy, it should be performed only in the presence of a Yoga expert.