What do you mean by Utthita parsvakonasana?
Utthita Parsvakonasana comprises Utthita, which means ‘extended’; Parsva, which means ‘side or flank’; Kona, which means ‘angle’; and asana, which means ‘yoga pose’. Utthita Parsvakonasana is pronounced as oo-TEE-tah parsh-vah-cone-AHS-anna. This is one of the essential standing yoga poses wherein the body muscles and nerves experience adequate stretching. Since powerful yoga gives appropriate stretching from toes to fingers and involves muscular and nervous stimulation of body parts like legs, ankles, groin, chest, lungs, shoulders, spine, and abdomen, it is regarded as modern exercise yoga—the easy, simple steps and instructions of Utthita Parsvakonasana.

10 excellent benefits of Utthita Parsvakonasana
I have been giving yoga classes for the last 10 years. I have already given yoga training to thousands of yoga practitioners, and based on my vast experience, I am sharing the top 10 excellent benefits of Utthita Parsvakonasana.
- Weight loss: If you are anxious about losing weight naturally, don’t be disheartened. Practice yoga and mainly include Utthita Parsvakonasana in your exercise routine. You will get some surprising and positive results within a week. The yoga pose gives adequate stretch to the entire body. The condition is that you have to practice it regularly and gradually increase the maintenance time as per your convenience. The result might also be wondering if you practice it with a yoga expert.
- Cardiac health: The practising of the yoga pose helps to increase pressure within the chest cavity and applies a good massage to the heart. The pose tones the heart and strengthens its muscles. The whole body is dependent on a good supply of blood, and Utthita Parsvakonasana helps in this way to improve one’s health. The sluggish and stagnant blood is squeezed out of the spinal regions and encouraged to recirculate to the heart and lungs for purification.
- Improves digestion: The practising of the yoga pose rendered it more efficient, thus allowing better digestion of food. It promotes the correct secretion of digestive juices and thereby allows optimum assimilation of nutrients from the food that we eat. Furthermore, it prevents and removes various digestive disorders such as constipation, indigestion, hyperacidity, hypoacidity, flatulence, and sluggishness of the liver. All these are essential factors in preventing indigestion, obtaining the best possible assimilation of nutrients into the body as well as eliminating other digestive ailments.
- Reduces the size of the waist: The stretching due to the pose has a beautiful influence on the region of the waist. The entire nervous system is toned up, especially the spinal nerves. It loosens up the muscles and joints of the whole body; in fact, it is a compound asana that systematically revitalises the entire body. This asana tones up the waist, back, and hip joints. It is beneficial for removing spinal stiffness. If you have been sitting or standing in one position for an extended period, you will likely feel very stiff. This is an excellent asana for quickly and effectively removing this stiffness.
- Legs strength: If you have leg problems, viz. weak muscles, knee pain, alignment, etc., you should perform it for better results. It helps to improve blood circulation, thus suitable for overall health and well-being.
- Stamina development: The practice of the yoga pose helps to develop stamina and endurance of the body. It ensures both mental and physical endurance, the flexibility of mind and body, mental peace, perfect coordination, and the condition of all organs, muscles, and nerves in the body.
- Expansion of lungs: The rib cage and lungs are given an accentuated stretch, which helps to improve the breathing process by allowing the chest to expand to total capacity during respiration. It is, therefore, a good asana for those people who have asthma, bronchitis, or any other lung ailments. All the abdominal organs are massaged. The deep inhalation and retention of breath accentuate this massage.
- Knee pain: It gives adequate stretching to toes, ankles, knees, calf, hips, and the entire leg region. Regular practice helps to overcome knee pain and also correct leg deformity.
- Spinal health: The whole body is stretched, loosening the spinal column from top to bottom. Furthermore, the abdominal organs and muscles are toned up. The overall result is an excellent alternate compression and extension of these nerves and muscles, bringing them into the best possible condition. The stagnant blood is squeezed out of the spinal regions and encouraged to recirculate to the heart and lungs for purification, which contributes much to bringing the spinal muscles and nerves into optimum health.
- Treats infertility: Practice of this asana applies a powerful message to the sexual organs, helping to improve their efficiency and remove malfunctions. It tones up the sexual organs and glands and so forth.