Amla is the greatest boon to humanity and one of the most effective traditional herbal medicines used to treat and manage diseases since ancient times. Hardly any people need to be made aware of its importance and significance as it is associated with multiple health and medicinal benefits. Indian Gooseberry is the reservoir of minerals, vitamins, and other biochemical substances. It is bitter to some extent, but the ayurvedic marvel can be used in many forms, such as raw juice, chutneys, pickles, and Murabba, and used with other recipes using its powder.
Top facts about Amla
- It is an excellent source of vitamin C.
- Amla juice is the best tonic to make you younger and longer
- It is the integral component of Triphala, an ayurvedic formulation used to cure many diseases.
- Amla balances the three Doshas-Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
- In India, it is considered a sacred tree.
- It prevents cancer due to the presence of some essential polyphenols.
- It is packed with all nutrients, accessible to all because of its lower price of Rs. 15/kilo.
Top benefits of Amla
- Alma for hair: Amla is good for preventing hair loss and hair fall and plays a vital role in the overall health of hair.
- Drinking Amla juice prevents hair fall, hair loss, dandruff, and split ends because of its protein abundance.
- The mix of amla and lemon juices, when applied over the scalp and left for 20 minutes, followed by washing, helps to strengthen the hair follicles and shaft. It also enhances hair luster, color, and pigmentation.
- Regular intake of Amla juice makes your hair darker and thicker and prevents greying.
- Applying the paste of amla helps to make your hair grow and dark color.
- Amla prevents baldness due to the presence of carotene and iron.
- Amla ensures proper absorption of calcium that is directly or indirectly beneficial for lustrous hair, including bones, teeth, and nails.
2. Amla for glowing skin: It is suitable for skin beauty.
- The application of Amla juice over the face helps to fight wrinkles, pimples, acne, etc.
- Drinking the juice is equally beneficial to make your skin glow. It makes your skin fresh by removing the dead cells when applied externally.
3. Amla to burn fat: Amla is good for weight loss, fat burning, and those who are obese.
- It has a higher level of amino acid that helps to shed unnecessary fats from the body.
- Amla is a diuretic that increases the frequency and amount of urine, releasing toxins and waste products from the body. Since urine is also composed of fat. Releasing more urine means shedding more fats from the body.
4. Amla for eyes: Amla prevents eye-related problems such as cataracts, nearsightedness, intra-ocular vision improvement, etc. The presence of vitamin A and carotene overcomes many issues related to the eyes.
5. Prevents cough and cold: The mix of fresh Amla juice (2 tbsp) and honey (2 tbsp), if taken daily, helps eradicate the cough and complex problems.
6. Cure mouth ulcers: It helps cure mouth ulcers if it gargles with water. The mixture should be Amla juice (2 tbsp) and half a glass of water.
7. Control diabetes: Regularly consuming its juice (2-3 tbsp) daily helps lower the blood sugar level, thus controlling diabetes. Amla stimulates the pancreas Islet of Langerhans, which further regulates the suitable secretion of insulin hormone.
8. Amla for a healthy heart: Regular intake of amla means you are making your heart healthy and fit.
- It lowers the cholesterol level and strengthens the cardiac muscles, thus smoothing the pumping of blood and oxygen to the entire body.
- The presence of chromium prevents plaque formation in the blood vessels, thus saving you from strokes and cardiac problems.
- Iron content ensures more oxy-haemo circulation.
- The various biochemical substances present in it ensure the better functioning of the heart by maintaining blood pressure and preventing strokes.
9. Amla for digestion: It is suitable for the digestion and assimilation of foods.
- It ensures the flush out of toxins from the body, being alkaline in nature, balances and strengthens digestion.
- It has adequate fiber and roughage that causes constipation and indigestion.
10. Amla to relieve asthma: Take amla juice (2 tbsp) and honey (2 tbsp) and drink the same regularly; it is helpful to control asthma, bronchitis, allergic asthma, respiratory congestion, chronic cough, and cold.
Amla names
Different names in different regions of the world know amla.
- Botanical name: Phyllanthus Emblica
- English name: Indian Gooseberry
- Hindi: Amla
- Arabic-halilaj
- Indonesia: Balakka
- Bengali: Amloki
- Chinese: Anmole
- Gujarati-Amla
- Kannda: Bettada neilkkayi
- Malaysia: Melaka
- Malyalam: neilli
- Marathi: avala
- Punjabi: Aula
- Tamil:Nelli
- Urdy: awla
- Telgu: Usiri kaay
- Maithili: Dhatric
Amla juice precautions
- One should take fresh amla juice prepared at home.
- Avoid market-prepared juice as it is added with flavored and preservatives.
- When you bring amla, wash it properly before eating.
Full of vitamin C
great research about amla .i loved it .
Best fruit for being healthy and fit
Great ful fruitfrom amla