Kanchanara Overview
In Ayurvedic medicines and herbal formulations, whenever conditions like glandular swellings come out, Kanchanara is one of the best herbal drugs that can be relied on. Kanchanara has a remarkable ability to dry up the vitiated Kapha and media because of its potent astringent properties and simultaneously shows excellent results. It is highly beneficial in the case of menstrual and vaginal disorders, as Charaka said.
Kanchanara plant introduction
Image Source: Pixabay.com
Kanchanara is a deciduous tree with vertically cracked bark. Its height is moderate. Its bark is somewhat greyish brown with irregular darker patches. The leaves are in pairs, leaflets ovate, and rounded at the apex. The flowers are white or pink, with the uppermost petal dark and variegated.
10 Health Benefits of Kanchanara
- Obesity: The decoction of the bark skin is beneficial in the case of obesity.
- Osteoporosis: The decoction of skin, if taken with ginger, helps treat osteoporosis.
- Swelling glands: The paste of Kachnar skin is applied to swollen glands in the neck (cervical adenitis). It helps to reduce the swelling.
- Menstrual cycle: The decoction of Bauhinia Variegata flowers, if taken with honey, helps to regularise the menstrual cycle.
- Piles: Kanchanara is highly beneficial in treating piles. Method: The flowers are dried and powdered, which are used in banks.
- Controls bleeding: Due to its potent hemostatic property, it helps to control the internal bleeding from the intestine in raktapitta.
- Stomatitis: The decoction of Bauhinia Variegata skin, pomegranate flowers, and Babbula pods is an effective gargle in treating stomatitis.
- Wound healing: The decoction of the bark skin is beneficial for cleansing and healing wounds. It reduces the swelling as well.
- Burning sensation: The decoction of bark skin, when combined with cumin seeds and little camphor, helps to relieve the burning sensation of the body.
- Diabetic wounds: When diabetic damage washes with the decoction of the plant, it ensures its fast healing.
Medicinal uses of Kanchanara
Some of the Ayurvedic properties of Kanchanara are given below:
- Taste: astringent
- Post digestive effect: Pungent
- Potency: Cold
- Attributes: Dry and light
- Dosha: Alleviates Kapha and Pitta
- Actions: Alleviates glandular swellings, skin disorders, alternatives, etc.
- Anthelminthic
- Amoebic dysentery
- Anti-tumour
- Anti-microbial
- Anti-inflammatory
- Anti-goitrogenic
- Hepatoprotective
Kanchnar scientific classification
- Kingdom: Plantae
- Order: Fabales
- Family: Fabaceae
- Genus: Bauhinia
- Species: B. Variegata
Kanchnar recipes
- Its young leaves are boiled and eaten as vegetables.
- Kachnar curry: It combines Kachnar buds, yogurt, and onion.
- Pickles
- Its buds are sometimes used as stir-fried vegetables.
Different names of Kanchanara
- English: Variegated Bauhinia or Bauhinia Variegata
- Hindi: Kanchanara
- Latin: Bauhinia variegata
- Marathi: Kanchanara
Types of glandular swelling
- Gandamala-Cervical adenitis
- Apachi-chronic glandular swellings
- Granthi-swollen glands, in general
Kanchanara Parts used
- Bark skin
- Flowers