Best Health Benefits of Naturopathy Medicines and Treatments

10 benefits of Mud Therapy

  1. Mud therapy is refreshing, invigorating, and vitalising.
  2. Mud therapy provides coolness as well as absorbs toxic substances from the body.
  3. When mudpack is applied over the body for 20-30 minutes, it relieves indigestion, effectively decreases intestinal heat, and stimulates peristalsis.
  4. Mud, being a black colour, absorbs all the colours of the Sun and conveys them to the body.
  5. A thick mud pack applied to the head in congestive headache relieves the pain immediately. Application of the group over the eyes is practical haemorrhages for conjunctivitis, hemorrhages in the eyeball, itching, and short and long sight.
  6. When soaked, mud is applied on the face and allowed to dry for 30 minutes; it helps to improve skin complexion, remove pimples, eliminate dark circles around the eyes, and open skin pores.
  7. Mud bath helps to improve the skin condition by increasing circulation and energising the skin tissues.
  8. Applying mud is a natural and actual bandage for wounds and skin diseases.
  9. Mud is used successfully for diseases like constipation, headache, high blood pressure, skin diseases, etc.
  10. The mud should be taken from 3 to 4 ft. depth from the ground’s surface to avoid contamination of chemicals, stones, debris, etc.
Best Health Benefits of Naturopathy Medicines and Treatments
Mud Therapy

Surprising benefits of fasting for kidney

  1. Fasting excretes accumulated wastes and poison from the body.
  2. The building of new cells speed up during fasting, whereas diseased, damaged, aged, and dead are destroyed and eliminated.
  3. The eliminative power of the lungs, liver, kidney, and skin is greatly enhanced after fasting.
  4. Sugar in natural juices strengthens the heart, liver, and kidney.
  5. Fasting gives rest to the body’s digestive, assimilative, and protective organs and systems. Therefore, the capacity and utilisation of these organs and systems greatly enhance after fasting.
  6. Fasting has a more significant role in diseases like Indigestion, Constipation, Gas, Digestive disorders, obesity, BP, and gout.
  7. The best, safest, and most effective fasting method is lime juice fasting.

Unknown benefits of Hydrotherapy

  1. Having a bath with clean and cold water opens up all the skin’s pores and makes the body light and fresh.
  2. A cold bath activates and improves blood circulation.
  3. Hydrotherapy is used mainly for preserving health and curing diseases of bilious character.
  4. Colon Hydrotherapy washes out or detoxifies the colon of stagnated faecal materials and bacteria.
  5. Hydrotherapy helps to eliminate undigested food and other waste products.
  6. A proper bath improves the body’s natural defence mechanism or immune system.

How is the massage beneficial for you?

  1. Massage activates blood circulation and strengthens the body’s organs.
  2. Massage is beneficial for High or Low blood pressure, Joint disorders, Paralysis, Depression, Weakness, Indigestion, and Obesity
  3. Localized or generalised painful conditions are also getting relieved from massotherapy.
  4. Massage with mustard oil, sesame oil, coconut oil, olive oil, aroma oils, etc., has therapeutic value. Powders of neem leaves and Rose petals are of medicinal value and used as lubricants for massage.
  5. Massage movements are performed through Touch, stroking, friction, kneading, vibration, percussion, and joint activities.

What is chromotherapy?

  1. Water and oil, when exposed to the sun for specified hours in coloured bottles or glasses, are used in treating different disorders.
  2. Chromotherapy also helps in the recovery from different disorders.

What is air therapy?

  1. Taking a fresh Air Bath outside for 20 minutes is paramount for good health.
  2. Air bath has a soothing and tonic effect on the millions of nerve endings of the body.
  3. Air bath is effective for nervousness, neurasthenia, rheumatism, skin, and mental disorders.

Wonder health benefits of magnet therapy

  1. Magnet therapy activates the iron content in the blood and increases the RBCs and WBCs count.
  2. Acts as an anticoagulant and keeps the patient free of blood clotting.
  3. Reduces the calcium and cholesterol deposits in the blood
  4. It helps to promote hormone secretion in the body.
  5. It is also beneficial for the normalisation of the nervous system.
  6. For magnet therapy, therapeutic magnets, magnetic belts, magnetic necklaces, glasses, and bracelets are also used for treatment.

How Naturopathy diet act as medicine?

As per the norms of diet therapy, diet is divided into three sub-headings.

  1. Eliminative Diet, which includes Liquids-Lemon, Citric juices, Coconut water, Vegetable soups, Buttermilk, etc.
  2. Soothing Diet comprises Fruits, Salads, Steamed Vegetables, Sprouts, Vegetable chutney, etc.
  3. A constructive Diet consists of wholesome flour, unpolished rice, little pulses, Sprouts, Curd, etc.
  4. Food is medicine.
  5. Your diet should consist of 20% acidic and 80% alkaline food for maintaining health.

1 thought on “Best Health Benefits of Naturopathy Medicines and Treatments”

  1. Naturopathy is a best therapy of our daily life its prevent from bactriea nd other …its gives best health benifits nd healthy treatment ….and its promote our health status …


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