Tratak Meditation: Steps, Benefits, Precautions and Contraindications

What is tratak meditation?

Tratak meditation is a critical yogic practice, mainly performed for cleansing the eyes and giving the eyes a soothing effect. Basically, it is the process of purification of eyes, concentrated gazing and meditation. The eyes become clear and bright, and the practice helps treat many eye-related diseases. We will discuss Tratak’s steps, benefits, precautions and contraindications here.

Tratak Meditation: Steps, Benefits, Precautions and Contraindications

Tratak steps: how to do?

  • Sit in any meditative yogasana pose or Vajrasana.
  • The eyes should be focused on a selected object, which can be the flame of a lamp or a burning candle.
  • Place a burning candle or the lighted earthen lamp at eye level at 2.5 ft. from the eyes.
  • The process should be continued until tears start flowing from the eyes.
  • Now close your eyes and relax.
  • Do it 2 to 3 times.

Tratak meditation benefits

  1. Much research has been conducted wherein it has been shown that the regular practice of Trataka significantly impacts the mindfulness of professional shooters. Thus, it is primarily used in archery.
  2. As per the yogic text Haṭhapradipika, Tratak eradicates all eye diseases.
  3. It helps to develop mental faculties and relieve mental stress.
  4. It is an excellent tool for improving memory and concentration.
  5. The practice of it helps to freshen-refresh and refresh your mind and body.
  6. It helps to increase selective attention.
  7. A study conducted on the effectiveness of Trataka on Anxiety in adolescents wherein it has been shown that Trataka significantly decreases the level of anxiety among adolescents.
  8. Trataka helps reduce insomnia severity and improve sleep quality in people with insomnia.
  9. It is good in case of headache and migraine.
  10. It is also beneficial to reduce anger.

Tratak meditation precautions

  • Initially, it should be practised under the guidance of a Yoga expert.
  • The gazing on the selected object is done without blinking till the eyes start watering.
  • Gazing at the object should be coordinated with the mind.
  • The object of light used should be at the eye level.
  • The practice place should be dark, calm and quiet.
  • The flame that is used shouldn’t be flicker.

Tratak Meditation Contraindications

It shouldn’t be practised in the case of:

  • Glaucoma
  • Chronic eye disorders
  • It shouldn’t be practised in case of psychic problems.
  • It should also be skipped in case of schizophrenia or hallucinations.

Textual references of Tratak

  • It has been mentioned in the second chapter of Hatha Yoga Pradipika, verses 31 and 32.
  • The first chapter of Gheranda Samhita, verses 53 and 54, describes it.
  • It has also been narrated in the first chapter of Hatharathnaval, verses 52 and 53.

Mocanam netraroganam tandradinam kapatakam I

Yatnatastratakam gopyam yatha hataka petakam II

(Hatha Yoga Pradipika 2/33)

“Trataka, which cures eye diseases and wards off sloth, etc., should be valued and preserved with effort as one does a casket of gold.”

Namesonmesakim tyaktva suksmalaksyam niriksayet I

Patanti yavadasruni tratakam procyate budhaih II

(Gherand Samhita 1/53)

“Without winking, one should gaze a minute at an object until tears begin to fall from the eyes. This is called Trataka by the wise.”

Evamabhayasayogena Sambhavi jayate dhruvam I

Netraroga vinasyanti divyadrstih prajayate II

(Gherand Samhita 1/54)

“By constant practice of this (Trataka) the Sambhavi Mudra verily facilitated, disease of the eyes are cured, and acute vision is acquired.”

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