13 surprising health benefits of Watermelon
Watermelon and Summer are inseparable; one of the best thrust quenchers in summer having 92% of water full of health benefits with Zero calories, Zero Fat, and Zero cholesterol. It is abundant with some of the best antioxidants that help fight the body’s free radicals, thereby preventing various diseases. It cuts the risk of cancer, diabetes, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
- Viagra effect: According to scientists, watermelon has bio-active compounds that produce a Viagra-like impact on the body. It may also increase libido. Lycopene and phytonutrients – citrulline and arginine- relax blood vessels, much like Viagra does. Arginine also prevents erectile dysfunction.
- Reduces the risk of cancer: Watermelon has an adequate amount of Vitamin A and Beta-carotene and a good percentage of lycopene. This antioxidant dramatically reduces the incidence of prostate cancer. It prevents breast cancer, colon cancer, and endometrial cancer too.
- Lowers blood sugar: It lowers blood pressure due to the presence of Potassium and Magnesium, thereby adjusting the electrolyte and acid-base mechanism. These minerals regulate the functioning of Insulin, thus reducing blood sugar levels. Arginine present in watermelon, too, enhances the sensitivity of Insulin.
- Fights depression: Watermelon is a mood booster and mood elevator because of containing Vitamin B6. Scientific studies have proved that a person who is suffered from depression and anxiety has a lower level of Vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 acts as a neurotransmitter by producing serotonin in the body.
- Full of antioxidants: Watermelon is packed with the best antioxidants. These antioxidants are highly beneficial to control and fight free radicals in the body, thereby helpful in checking for so many diseases. Due to the plentiful antioxidants, it also acts as anti-ageing.
- Good for heart disease: Watermelon has lycopene, an antioxidant that can neutralise free radicals. Free radicals are the source of many diseases. Lycopene helps reduce cholesterol, easing the blood flow in the blood vessels and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It has also been proved by scientific research.
- Rich in potassium: Watermelon is a good source of Potassium that helps to release kidney toxins. It also reduces the concentration of uric acid in the blood and provides a fresh environment for the kidney.
- For glowing skin: Watermelon is good for your skin as it is a rich source of Vitamin C and A. Abundance of these vitamins enables the skin to heal wounds and injuries.
- Weight Loss: Watermelon constitutes 92 per cent of water. Taking the proper quantity reduces the desire for more eating; thus, one can skip overeating, which is also effective for obese patients. Since it is low in calories, it is a good option for shedding weight.
- Prevents cough: Watermelon is abundant with vitamin C. Vitamin C, and all citrus fruits are known for immunity development, thereby helping to minimise colds and other illnesses.
- Eases digestion: Watermelon is a good source of thiamine, known as an appetiser, which increases appetite and is thus suitable for digestion.
- Eye and vision: Watermelon contains Vitamin A and Beta carotene, which are suitable for overall eye and vision development. It also protects against muscular degeneration.
- Prevents UV rays: Watermelon is abundant with water, fibre, lycopene, and other vitamins. All these help to minimise the impact of Ultra Violet rays to a greater extent on the body.
Watermelon is good friend at have lunch. Give hydrate enough and refresh mood 🙂