I have been facing this gastritis issue for the last few months, and it sometimes becomes exaggerated, especially in the second half of my office hours. Recently, I visited a renowned doctor named Arun Dewan, Principal Director (Critical Care) and Director (Internal Medicine) at Max Super Specialty Hospital, Saket, New Delhi, regarding stomach gas-related issues. I am surprised that the doctor suggested I do Pawanmuktasana or Gas Release Pose instead of recommending medicine. It shows the importance of this pose, especially for stomach-related problems. I follow the doctor’s advice and am relatively feeling fine now.

Meaning of Pawanmuktasana
- It’s a Sanskrit word comprised of Pawan, which means ‘air’, and Mukta, ‘ release.
- It means a yoga pose that helps to release entrap gases from the stomach and intestine.
- Not only this, but the pose also helps burn belly fat and eases back aches, etc.
- Pawan means air/ gas
- Mukta means free/ release
- Asana – yoga pose
Easy steps of Pawanmuktasana
- Roll down a yoga mat on a flat surface.
- Lie down on your back and try to make your body relax.
- Initially, bend the right leg and bring it towards your chest as far as possible.
- Interlock your fingers and place them on the right leg. By doing this, put suitable pressure on your abdomen area.
- For adequate pressure on the stomach and the intestine, one should try touching the left elbow from your right palm and vice versa.
- The left leg should be straight and stretched, pointing the toes outward.
- Exhale, raise your forehead and try to touch your knee with your forehead.
- Maintain the pose as long as you can.
- Bring your forehead down by inhaling and straighten the leg.
- Do the same procedure with the left leg.
- This is called Supta Pawanmuktasana. This is also called Ardha Pawanmuktasana (Half Gas Release pose)
- This is one round. Do 2-3 games.
Variation 1
- Roll down a yoga mat on a flat surface.
- Lie down on your back and try to make your body relax.
- Make both of your legs straight and stretched.
- Now fold both of your legs and interlock with your fingers.
- Try to bring the legs towards your chest.
- Exhale, slowly raise your forehead and try to touch your knees with your nose.
- Maintain the pose as long as one can.
- Inhale, bring your forehead down and straighten your legs.
- This is the one round.
- Do 2-3 rounds.
Variation 2 for weight loss
- Roll down a yoga mat on a flat surface.
- Lie down on your back and try to make your body relax.
- While clasping your legs with your fingers, ensure that your right palm touches the left elbow and vice versa.
- Suitable pressure should be on the abdominal region.
Variation 3
- Roll down a yoga mat on a flat surface.
- Lie down on your back and try to make your body relax.
- In such a case, no need to raise your forehead.
- Keep it on the yoga mat.
- However, increase the pressure on your stomach through your legs.
- This can be done in the case of Supta Pawanmuktasana and Pawanmuktasana.
- This is also called Sulabh Pawanmuktasana (Easy Gas release pose).
Therapeutic benefits
- Release the trapped gases
- Weight loss
- Enhances blood circulation
- Relieves constipation.
- Strengthens the lower back
- Sterility
- Menstrual disorders.
- Flatulence
- Constipation